A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Sunday ~ 71/365
Sunday March 11, 2012
Colin took a nasty spill off his bike this afternoon. He limped into the house literally screaming. Something happened to his chain & it somehow froze causing his gears to lock which threw him head over handlebars crashing to the ground. (didya get all that?) Needless to say he was pretty beat up the scratches the length of his back, a bloodied elbow, calf and palm. So I cleaned & drugged him up, hoping the next day he wouldn't be so sore. (the picture it after I cleaned him up...he looked a lot worse before all of the love took place!)
I 'moustache' you a question...am I sexy or what?!
Ryan was shaving when he had a slip of the hand causing him to have to shave off his goatee. He decided to leave his 'stache...something new! Thank goodness his facial hair tends to grow back quickly!
Monday March 12, 2012
Spring Break ~ Day 1
We headed to Peter Piper Pizza (kinda like a Chuck E Cheese knock off) since the boys had free pizza coupons.
Tuesday March 13, 2012
Spring Break ~ Day 2
We headed to Sky Zone...an indoor trampoline park. This is the 3rd time we have been there and the boys had a blast. Once again we had free hour jump passes!
Wednesday March 14, 2012 
Spring Break ~ Day 3
We met my parents at Yogurtz (they were having a fundraiser there today where a percentage of the days proceeds went to the American Cancer Society)...and thanks to Grandma & Grandpa...since they treated!
After dropping the boys back off at home, my mom and I headed to Kohl's for some 30% off shopping!
(I had some merchandise credit & a gift card to use) and as we pulled into the parking lot, we came across these...

electric car chargers...a sure sign of our future.
Thursday March 15, 2012 
Spring Break ~ Day 4
We headed to the bowling alley to bowl a few games, thanks to some free coupons the boys earned from school! And yes, I BEAT all of 3 of the boys in both games, thank you for asking!
Boys drool, girls rule!
After I whipped their butts, we stopped by Circle K (a fav of mine) to get slushies...
...cuz slushies make everyone feel like winners!
After all of the defeat we came home to a wonderful smelling house of White Chix Chili.
We had a houseful of kids who loved my crock pot cooking! What a fun bunch these kids are!
Friday March 16, 2012
Spring Break ~ Day 5
The boys and I went to see The Lorax, thanks to Aunt Jenni & Uncle Brett's Christmas present (movie money!). It was a cute movie that we all enjoyed!
Saturday March 17, 2012 
Not only is it St. Patrick's Day, Cal Ripken Day at the Stadium to start off our baseball season but it's also Brendan's 12th Birthday!!

We celebrated tonight with a dinner of his choice, green pancakes & sausage, along with cookies & cream cupcakes.
A family party, big birthday cake and presents will be tomorrow with grandma, grandpa, Aunt Jennifer & cousin Kennedy!
Happy 12th Birthday Brendan!
We LOVE you more than you know!
Join in with Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!