A Picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun! I hope you have as much fun seeing a peek into my week as I am posting about it!

And since we had little, very little, furniture in the house we blew up our air mattress to sit on, or in this case...snooze on!

Tuesday~312/365 This was ONE pile of stuff for drop off at Goodwill...we have made 3 HUGE trips so far with at least 1 more to go.
The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are the hardest for kindergartners and kindergarten teachers...they are hyped up on toys and commercials and Santa and everything Christmas that it is so hard to focus. Sadly they had a few not so good choice days...this was one of those days...everybody ended up on yellow...how sad!
Thursday~314/365 I finally put up the Christmas tree {at the new house}...
Our new house the day before we moved in
Saturday~316/365 Saturday brings us to moving day...we had 7 football players, 3 coaches, 3 trucks, and 1 trailer to help us move...it took less than 3 hours...this is the after pizza party for all those who helped out! So glad I married a football coach!
In our old neighborhood, the boys very rarely played outside...we had been in our new house less than a day and they already had tons of friends! They came looking for Brendan and Colin while we were at church!! They have played outside with their new friends everyday since we have moved in.
Monday~318/365 Monday December 13, 2010 brings us to the boys' first semester band concert. They both did AWESOME! Brendan plays the trumpet and Colin plays the trumpet. Here they are after the concert with their band teacher, Mr. H.
Tuesday~319/365 I finally started putting things up on the walls and this house is beginning to feel like home... happy sigh...
Wednesday~320/365 Gingerbread {or graham cracker} Houses built by my kindergarten class...a yearly tradition.
Thursday~321/365 Thursday I baked banana bread and made cookies for my fellow kindergarten teachers for Christmas.
Friday~322/365 This is what I got from my Secret Santa on Friday...YUM! This is my most favoritest kind of candy in the whole entire wide world...and you can only get it at Christmas time. Thanks Kelly...you were a great Secret Santa!
Saturday~323/365 Last minute picture so I could have a Saturday picture...Ryan eating taco salad right outta the bowl!
This is what Sara says on her blog about Project 365...
"I am attempting to take one photograph each day of this next year. My hope is to be able to slow down and see the small things, become a better photographer and to be reminded of the many blessings God sends my way! "
Well said Sara...thanks for letting me tag along!
Join in with Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!