A Picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun! I hope you have as much fun seeing a peek into my week as I am posting about it!


Tuesday~298/365Colin's assignment was to disguise the turkey so the farmer couldn't make him for Thanksgiving dinner. Colin decided to disguise his turkey as a Christmas tree...he also had to write a 5 paragraph essay about it...which was really very good!
Wednesday~299/365 Tiff & Colin after we came home for Thanksgiving service at church...they were both trying to warm up a bit!
Saturday~302/365 The boys with Grandma Pam, who also happens to be Brendan's Godmother. We haven't seen her since 2007.
Thanks to Uncle Sunil, Colin is now asking Santa for a brand new drum set!! Lucky me!
Monday~304/365My new workout shoes...I haven't talked much about this, but I have lost some weight, a lot of weight actually, and this past week I started a boot camp.
Tuesday~305/365 Lurky Turkey's last day up outside my classroom door...
Wednesday~306/365 First day of December means countdown mouse project. Each of my students made a paper chain in an AB pattern and each night before they go to bed they rip off a loop to countdown to Christmas!
...busy day...no picture...oh well...
Friday~308/365 Friday we were able to wrangle up some kid sitters so we could have a night out to celebrate a friend's birthday! Thanks Cora Lee & Julia!
Saturday~309/365 Saturday brought us back to date and 2, YES, 2 football banquets...both seasons are officially over. Ryan's was from 1-3pm & the boys' was from 2-6pm...and being the super mom & wife that I am...I was at BOTH! Here is a quick pic of the trophies that the boys received!
This is what Sara says on her blog about Project 365...
"I am attempting to take one photograph each day of this next year. My hope is to be able to slow down and see the small things, become a better photographer and to be reminded of the many blessings God sends my way! "
Well said Sara...thanks for letting me tag along!
Join in with Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!
Very nice pictures! Whew - there is gonna be some music at your house.
Loving those new workout shoes. I need me some new ones...but I guess I should work out first. LOL
Oh the noise that goes along with boys and their drums. Good luck. Maybe I should have bought you ear plugs for Christmas. LOL
Love the turkey and colins disguised turkey. CUte
My daughter is a percussionist...she has been known to rattle some pictures off the wall before!!
I'm thinking your boys don't mind have babysitters!!! ha, those girls are adorable!
Lovin' your pics!!
Wow...such fun pics, Stacey!!! I loved them all!! You have been super busy, like always! And good for you on losing weight!!
Congrats on the weight loss! I had a suspicion you were losing weight from viewing your pictures. I love the new shoes. Let us know how the boot camp goes.
It looks like your Thanksgiving holiday was filled with family and friends. I look forward to hearing about this little girl your husband fell in love with. The picture of him holding her is so sweet.
Wow! I am so jealous of everyone who is maintaining their 365!
Mim told me about you shedding some pounds...congratulations!!! Can you get rid of some of my extra weight? That would be great!
DRUMS..you are crazy. Nuff Said.
If you've been to my post you've seen that I'm back trying to lose again. Sigh. Hat's off to you for doing so well - & boot camp - yowza!
Please tell us about your weight loss. I need some inspiration. Congratulations on a healthier you.
We weren't too thrilled with our shorts weather coming to an end, but then again we had such a cool summer that our shorts weather wasn't what it usually was.
Congrats on your weight loss!
If we had more space in our house we'd probably get a drum set too for the boy. I'm told it's best to get the digital set, that way you can turn them down!
You've been busy! I wanna hear/see the weight loss!!! Way to go. :)
Love the turkey and the disguised one too!
Great pics, all of them!!
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