A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Sunday ~ 324/365
Sunday November 20, 2011
Sunday night brought students over to hang out...I love being the hang out house!! We had some snacks and dinner and lots of laughs!
Monday November 21, 2011
Brendan is REFUSING to but his hair and it's KILLING me!! (pick your battles...pick your battles!)...so...every morning he wakes up with major bed head. I took this picture to show him how bad his hair actually looked since he couldn't see it in the mirror!!
Tuesday November 22, 2011

The school where I teach & the boys attend was awarded an A status and Excelling school...isn't that awesome?! Today was our Excelling celebration...we had an Olympic themed day with a parade of scholars, gold medals, the passing of the eternal flame of knowledge and donuts!! It was an amazingly fun day! Here I am with my class and the flag we made representing our class.
Wednesday~327/365 Wednesday November 23, 2011

'Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house...pizza...it's what's for dinner!!
Thursday November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday~329/365Friday November 25, 2011

Once the wishbone dried out the boys were able to make a wish...Brendan was the wish maker this year!
Saturday November 26, 2011

Saturday I made another entire Thanksgiving meal to share with some of Ryan's students...I must say that is way much better tasting the second time around!
Sunday ~ 331/365
Sunday November 27, 2011
I finally put up our family portraits that were taken over a year ago!! I went to Michael's on Thanksgiving night to get an AWESOME deal on frames. I am loving the way the layout turned out!
Monday November 28, 2011
Monday night was WCHS Wildcats Varsity Football banquet...this year it was held in the gym at the school and catered by a Mexican restaurant. Here I am with Tyler, one of my favs! Ryan is trying to set him up with a scholarship so he can play ball in college.
Tuesday November 29, 2011

Dr. Joy came to talk to all 5 kinder classes today to press the importance of staying healthy, washing hands, covering our coughs & sneezes and getting our flu shots.
Wednesday~334/365 Wednesday November 30, 2011

Since changing schools, the boys have been bugging to ride their bikes (we live about 6 blocks but across a super busy main road with no light or cross walk). I held them off until after football ended...I mean really, how could they ride bikes with their HUGE football bags!! So today was the day. I planned on riding my bike too, but half a block from the house, my tire popped off the rim, to I drove and they rode. They loved it!
Thursday December 1, 2011
Every year I make these with my kinder class...a count down mouse to Christmas!
Friday December 2, 2011
Friday was our city's annual tree lighting ceremony. No body wanted to go with me, so I went by myself {tear} and was able to hear some great music, see some beautiful lit up hot air balloons, and feel the Christmas cheer as they turned on the lights for the first time this season!
Saturday December 3, 2011

Saturday was the boys' CATS football banquet...nothing fancy...just a potluck at a local park where the parent's could chat and the boys could play football...cuz it's all about football!! Here are the boys with their coaches.
I received this, totally unexpected, from the team for doing the job nobody ever wants to do...TEAM MOM. (another mom & I stepped up to the plate when crickets were sounded!) It was a roll of toilet paper (for a crap job that nobody wants to do! lol) and a $25 gift card to Applebee's!!
And the boy's trophies
Sunday ~ 338/365
Sunday December 4, 2011
Sunday we met my parents at their clubhouse for our annual Christmas card picture taking in front of the fireplace! Here are my mom & dad with the grandkids.
Monday December 5, 2011
Colin lost a bet to Mrs. K, a teacher at school, so he had to wear a Packers Jersey on Monday as his payment...he didn't mind!
Tuesday December 6, 2011

We spent 26 hrs in New York City on Tuesday & Wednesday. We were there to honor and celebrate my father in law for being inducted into the college football hall of fame. It was so much fun...although I wish we had more time to see the sights! The dinner was formal so we were able to dress up! Above are my in-laws and all the kids with their spouses!

Ryan & I
Wednesday December 7, 2011
We walked everywhere we could Tuesday after the ceremony and Wednesday until we had to head to the airport. We saw Rockefeller Center, the tree, the ice rink, the Today Show being taped, Radio City Music Hall, Times Square and all of the fun shops, Central Park, 5th Ave, Madison Ave., Grand Central Station, Bryant Park, ate in a NY deli, and were driven around in the KRAZY (the a capital K) traffic!
Ryan & I in front of the tree & skating rink at Bryant Park
Thursday December 8, 2011
Thursday my (well actually Ryan's) cousin and her son were here for his basketball tourney. Kristy stayed with us and since I was her ride, I was able to see Derek in action...here he is (#35 in maroon) getting the jump ball! His team went 2-1 this weekend.
Friday December 9, 2011
Friday the entire fam went to see Derek & his team play and after go out to dinner. Brendan and Colin love hanging out with Derek!
Saturday December 10, 2011
Saturday was our annual WCHS Football Christmas Party. Lots of laughs with good food and great friends! These are just some of the yummy desserts at the party!
Join in with Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!