A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Sunday ~ 29/365
Sunday January 29, 2012

Yet ANOTHER Pinterest recipe...Cookies & Creme Cupcakes...oh so good!
Monday January 30, 2012
At school we will soon start learning about needs vs. wants. During this unit all 5 Kindergarten classes will be working, managing and stocking in our grocery store! We have been collecting empty clean boxes for a few weeks; the next step is sorting and organizing. The kids are so excited!
Tuesday January 31, 2012 
In my last 365 post I shared that my class collected over 100 cans for our local food bank to celebrate our 100th day of school; well this morning I took the donated food to the food bank for the actual donation!
Wednesday February 1, 2012
Learning 2D shapes vs. 3D shapes in school during math.
Thursday February 2, 2012
Happy Groundhog Day!
After reading stories and predicting whether the groundhog saw his shadow or not, we went outside to see if we could find our shadows...and we did!

After school I met Crystal for our once-a-month happy hour at our fav restaurant!
Friday February 3, 2012
Today was National wear RED day in support of American Heart Association so I sported my red heart pin.
Saturday February 4, 2012
Basketball Week #4The boys' team is awesome...they really play well together. Today they once again went up by more than 20, so we are not exactly sure of the 'actual' score, just just know that they won...and they won BIG!

Sunday ~ 36/365
Sunday February 5, 2012

Didn't do anything special for Super Bowl Sunday...just watched the game and enjoyed some very yummy homemade brownie ice cream sundaes...and yes this is yet another recipe from Pinterest...chocolate chip Oreo brownies...OH MY YUMMIESS!!
Monday February 6, 2012
While the boys were at basketball practice I went to my parents' house to see my dad! He is doing awesome since his surgery!
Tuesday February 7, 2012
Since I didn't have a picture for today I took one of our family room and all of the odd furniture! We had a big blue chair once upon a time, but since my boys do not know how to sit down nicely it has broken...sad but true...so we were lucky enough to be given another couch for free...hence the reason of 2 couches. Plenty of sitting space at the McCraken House!
Wednesday February 8, 2012
Today I went Valentine's Day decoration shopping with another teacher for our school sweetheart dance. She & I are in charge of the school Sweetheart Dance this year, so while we were out shopping I found these super fun aprons and thought they would be fun gifts, along with cupcakes, for some of the teachers at school!
Thursday February 9, 2012
Thursday we had a safety assembly at school and McGruff was there!
Friday February 10, 2012
Friday after school was our PTA Sweetheart Family Dance. It was so much fun! I even cut a rug with some of my kinder students!

Saturday February 11, 2012
SUPER busy Saturday!!

Bright and early Saturday morning I met friend, Stacey, at Paradise with these 2 cuties! Muffins, hot tea and good friends make for a great start to my day!

After my morning girl time, the boys and I headed to team pictures for basketball.

An hour later we then headed to their game, where they
DOMINATED once again! Their team is playing so well together...fun to watch for sure! They won again...
and BIG by more than 20 points.

After the game we headed home where I spent the afternoon making 8 dozen cake pops for a certain special birthday boy who turned 5....his only request...cake pops! After dinner and presents they kids watched Tom & Jerry on the side of the house in the backyard...so much fun!

And while the kids were watching Tom & Jerry, I was sitting by the fire with my feet up, enjoying good friends and a nice glass of wine!
Join in with Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!