A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Sunday ~ 15/365
Sunday January 15, 2012

sooooo....my new favoritest addiction...
can I just say...
OH.MY.GOODNESS...it's everything I didn't know I needed to know...recipes, projects, school stuff...
anything and everything!
Well I found it this weekend and that is where I was ALL weekend!!
I couldn't stop myself...I tried to stop...honestly...I DID...but it just kept sucking me back in!
With an extra day off for MLKjr Day I had to try out some new recipes...3 to be exact! Sunday morning I made a breakfast ring...it was yummy but would have been even yummier if I would have had the bacon that was called for...next time!
Recipe #2....crescent s'mores...oh my yumminess...the boys LOVED these!

Recipe #3 I tried on Monday afternoon...did I mention how much I am loving my new addiction?!!
Monday January 16, 2012
Monday morning found Brendan and me at the dr. He has been complaining for a while now that his feet have been hurting me. I know I should have taken him, oh I don't know, a year ago when they started hurting, but I am the kind of mom who is like...you're ok, walk it off!! And I was RIGHT!! $25 later the dr confirmed my guess all along...growing pains. Sadly Brendan has to play and live with the pain or stop playing...I am sure you can guess what his answer to that was! He is just too pointy, big, gangily, and gawky for his own good...but he should grow into it soon!

Recipe #3 brought out my much loved red mixer for Krispy Kreme Donut Muffins. So very easy to make. Although I was a bit disappointed that they actually were not indeed Krispy Kreme donuts they were still pretty yummy...right down to the glaze!

These bad boys were taking into school on Tuesday...I didn't lose all that weight for nothing!!
Tuesday January 17, 2012
Tuesday brings us back to school after a lovely 3 day weekend. We are learning about weather in science and literacy, so today we ventured outside to read the story 'What Will the Weather be Like Today?'. After reading the story we brainstormed what our weather was like and then the class was able to draw and write about it in our school's courtyard.
Wednesday~18/365 Wednesday January 18, 2012

I have been really good at making dinner every night since the new year. I even made it tonight...but something just wasn't right about it. Didn't taste good, I think it was the sauce (I made beef enchiladas) so we ended up ordering pizza. I went to pick it up, but it was sent out on delivery by mistake (which we NEVER do) and because we never have it delivered it was sent to the wrong address (our old address) and an hour later this is how we received it. Oh yea, we have a credit for the next time we want pizza!
Thursday January 19, 2012 
Look what I received in the mail today...I heart the mailman! It was my MIL old phone, which she gave to me since she got the iPhone4. I am a little excited as I have a dinosaur phone. Now to just find the time to get to Verizon and have the number changed.
Friday~20/365Friday January 20, 2012

Not gonna lie when I say I totally forgot to take a picture for my post on Friday so when I was down loading pictures the only ones I had were from my classroom. I decided to do some
'FUN' literacy centers today...yep I said the 'F' word...
FUN! They had so much fun trying out some new
(to them) games and were learning all the way!!
Saturday January 21, 2012

Basketball season week #2
I must say that I am LOVING that the boys are on the same team this season...so much easier! They were up against a tough team this week and it quickly turned very aggressive. The boys powered on and the game ended in a tie...22-22.

Join in with Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!