Thursday, November 19, 2009
Taking Over The Blog!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Well...It's Official...
...Ryan was able to get it to Best Buy just in the nick of time to get our entire hard drive saved to an external hard drive...thank goodness... we just have to wait until my parents get here from Michigan with another tower that they are bringing for us to use with our desk top... until blogging for me!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Where's Mom?! 37 Photos of ME!!

Now it's your turn to join the fun...hand the camera over, say cheese, and smile!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Football Frenzy...The Last of the Season
Friday night WCHS played at DVHS against the Sky Hawks for their season closer. This was the most pumped up I have seen the team all season...they were ready to play some football.
The captains out for the coin toss for the last time
One of Ryan's guys taking down the quarterback...again!
Ryan's defense on the field
Defense firing off of the line
Singing the school fight song after the big win
Ryan and the boys after the win
Way to go had a great season!
Onto Saturday...
Cobras vs. Suns
With our team being a little bit older this season, the coaches have been trying to mix it up a little bit with the plays. They have really been working on their passing game!
Right after Colin snapped the ball
Brendan taking down the quarterback. Both boys had an outstanding game. Colin even forced a fumble. Great job boys!
And even though the coaches said this was their best game of the season, the Cobras were defeated by the Suns with a score of 0-20.
The sadness for the boys' does not last too long...they just love to play!
What ever will I do with all of my free time???!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I'm Gonna Miss This...Halloween Fun

One day they are just going to be to old to dress up and beg for candy (I almost thought it might have been this year), but for now I will take pictures of their craziness and let them eat too much candy one night a year!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Football Frenzy
The Wildcats were up against the tough team of Jaguars last Friday. I must say that this is my least favorite school to come to. I am not one to judge, but I just don't like the people there...they are kinda snobby and not very nice to the visiting team. Their team (or rumors of their team) pooped in the visiting team's (our) locker room before we got there as a kind of welcome present for our boys...wasn't that nice of them?! GROSS!!!
Well anywho...back to football...cuz it all about the's always about the football!!! Here is Ryan doing his coaching thing. He is on the right with the head coach Hud standing on the left. Not sure who the guy in the middle is!! (I think it is a player taking stats, but not sure)
Not sure how I captured this beauty...but I love it!
It is one of Ryan's players taking down the quarterback! You go boy!!!
Unfortunately the mighty Wildcats were not so mighty...they were defeated by the Jaguars 40-22.
So tonight is our last regular season game and it is away..I hope for the seniors sake that they win their last high school game.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Where's Mom?! 36 Photos of ME!

Now it's your turn to join the fun...hand the camera over, say cheese, and smile!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
...this past weekend it would not stay on for more than 5 minutes at a time...
...and with that being the case...I was not able to upload any pictures...
...not sure when I will be able to upload...