Saturday~29/365 Saturday found us at the park celebrating Owen's 4th birthday...Dr. Seuss style! On the agenda...decorate your own cupcakes!
Saturday~29/365 Saturday found us at the park celebrating Owen's 4th birthday...Dr. Seuss style! On the agenda...decorate your own cupcakes!
Me with Hannah's 2 beauties...we fell in love with these girls the nanosecond we laid eyes on them...the first time Angelina met me she came up to me, took my hand and said "I missed you so much."...my heart melted...
Brendan getting Emma to laugh...Emma Jewel...the jewel of Ryan's eyes...the minute he saw her he fell hard...the little girl he never had is one of his best friend's daughter. No doctor can diagnose Emma; she has the tendencies of an infant at 3 years old, but she is the sweetest little girl with the most beautiful smile.
...to learn more about Emma and her family check out her website...Hope for Emma...you will fall in love with her as quick as we did.
Saturday we hung out at Aunt Amanda and Uncle Sunil's house watching TV, laughing, eating, talking, playing video games...just like old times.
Before leaving we started snapping pictures...
Uncle A.T., Emma, Brendan, Colin, Aunt Hannah, Angelina
Monday~17/365 While outside playing basketball Monday afternoon, look who showed up?! Brendan was so very excited since they never came around at our old house!
Tuesday~18/365Tuesday we celebrated the 100th day of school! Lots of fun with math centers, crowns, books, counting, a special 100 day trail mix and much much more!! This is a big day for students and teachers alike...the kids like it because it's a fun day to celebrate...the teachers like it because there is only 80 school days left until summer!
Wednesday~19/365 My 2 boys are as different as night and day. The past week the weather has been beautiful...still cool in the mornings but warming into the mid 70s by dinner time. We there are on the way out the door to school...if Brendan could wear shorts 365 days a year, he would! Brendan in shorts & t-shirt...Colin in jeans & a sweatshirt...different as night and day!
Thursday~20/365 Thursday after basketball practice I dropped the boys off at home and headed to Tiff's house to hang out and watch TV...on the way I stopped off at our fav fro yo place for a treat!
Friday~21/365 Friday afternoon we had Honor Assemblies at school. Both Brendan & Colin received Principal's Honor Roll (again!) for having straight A's for the entire semester....they also were put into a special raffle for an ipod shuffle...and guess who won?!...Colin Boy!! That's right, they drew his name and he won an ipod shuffle...he was so excited!!