A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Sunday mid-morning we met my parents, sister and my cousin from DC for brunch at the BEST family owned restaurant. This is after the eats outside saying good bye...um...yea...I am not ashamed to lay on the ground to get a fun shot!! This is the 3 kids (Brendan, Colin & Kennedy) with Darren.
Sunday was a b-e-a-utiful day...Tiff and I decided to do some horseback riding in the White Tanks...so peaceful...so relaxing...it was a great time.
What is Valentine's Day without the yummies?! I did A LOT of baking over the weekend to share this spread of yummies with my fellow teachers at school. I made 4 different kinds of cookies, 2 different kinds of breads, and 3 different kinds of diet cake.
Tuesday nights in the month of February are Kids Eat Free at Chili's so of course we took advantage of that especially since we had a gift card to use as well!! I
LOVE their chips & salsa so before we left I got some to go...
I had to take a picture of the Valentine's day roses that I got from the twins in my class...by Wednesday they had opened up and looked to very pretty.
Thursday Brendan had his 5th grade science fair. He (and his dad) did a fantabulous job on his project (they wouldn't let me help at all...didn't even know what it was until a few days before!) His topic was Refraction in Water (the bending of light waves through water).
Friday night we had a family dinner and game night! After our games of Jenga, Colin Boy decided to start building!
Saturday in between basketball games I was able to sneak off to Kohl's for a quick hour to shop for some new clothes with my Christmas gift cards and a 30% off coupon. I had a time and dollar limit and I did it...spent $100 in an hour and got...1 pair jean capris, 3 pair dress capris, 2 camis, 1 pair dress pants, 5 shirts, 1 blouse, 2 belts (for Ryan) & some new unmentionables!! Now it just needs to get a little bit warmer for me to show off my new spring finds!

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