A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Saturday May 21, 2011

Saturday night we headed to the baseball stadium for Movie Night at the Stadium. Our city does this twice a year (wish it was more) for a free fun family event! Tonight they showed Despicable Me on the jumbo tron. We take a picnic basket full of snacks and our blanket and lay out in the outfield under the stars to watch the movie...love it!
Sunday May 22, 2011

This was my first book of the summer...I L.O.V.E. to read and don't have much time for it during the school year, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I make up for it during the summer! Since school got out I have finished 2 books and am half way thru #3!
Monday May 23, 2011
A few weeks ago I went to a home show for Thirty-One. It's kinda like a pampered chef show but for purses and bags and things. I fell in love with this company with all of their useful fun bags that you can personalize. They have tons of sizes, styles and color combos. I got this bag to use as my school bag; it is huge on the inside with lots of outside pockets and I had it personalized too! The Thirty-One stands for Proverbs 31 in the Bible which I love! I am thinking of having a home party since I am falling in love with them!
Tuesday May 24, 2011

Tuesday night brought us to Brendan & the Cardinals play-off game. In this league there is a one game elimination so we kept our fingers crossed and cheered on the Cards...and they brought home a WIN! Way to go...next playoff game...Tuesday Night vs the Red Sox.
Brendan had a great game...above is one of his hits of the night!
Wednesday May 25, 2011
I met my good friend Crystal for lunch today here...YUM! We caught up as we feasted on the all you can eat soup, salad & chips with salsa! Good fun! Love spending time with my friend!!
Later that day found us once again at the baseball field to watch Colin & the Cubs take on the Mariners for their first play off game. Colin had a great game...above is him on the mound...he LOVES to pitch!
The team after the VICTORY!!
Way to go boys!
Next game...Tuesday night...Yep...double header on 2 different fields!

Thursday May 26,2011

Ryan & I took time for ourselves and headed out on a date! A real date...with NO kids! Can't remember the last time we did that...just the 2 of us! We headed to the movies and then out to lunch! It was great fun and I realized how much I miss spending time with my hubby.
Friday May 27, 2011
Friday I was trying to find fun CHEAP things to do. I am already tired of hearing 'i'm so bored' and it's only one week into summer vaca!! So we headed to a free splash pad with Crystal and her son, Z. It could have been boring for the boys but they embraced the moment and had lots of fun!! So much fun in fact that when we had to leave after 2 hours they didn't want to go!

...and then after dinner Colin asked if I would take him to the skate park. Well mind you that we are a very SPORTS oriented family, but skating is NOT one of those sports!! Colin has been dabbling in skating and is really enjoying himself! We were there about an hour as he worked on his skills!
Saturday May 28, 2011

This morning I decided I would bake some blueberry muffins....OH YUM! They didn't last very long after they came outta the oven!

So as most of you know, I am switching schools and with that comes packing and moving and I have a TON of stuff! Well my entire room is packed in boxes in my garage. One of the boxes happened to be open and this is what Brendan found...his old train set (which I had hijacked for my classroom)! He has been having a blast all week setting up different tracks and playing with his old trains!
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Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!