A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Monday July 18, 2011
Monday we had a haboob...or dust storm...here in the valley...it's crazy when it rolls through.
Tuesday July 19, 2011
Tuesday July 19, 2011
Tuesday was field trip day at Tutor Time...we headed to a local chocolate factory...YUM! The kids (and us!) were able to take a tour of the factory and make their own chocolate pizzas...I made mine for the boys! I could have stayed there all day...it was my heaven!
Wednesday July 20, 2011
Wednesday July 20, 2011
Thursday July 21, 2011
Friday July 22, 2011

Friday July 22, 2011
Before picking Ryan up at school (home from camp) the boys and I headed once again to Peter Piper Pizza...gotta love free pizza coupons!
Saturday July 23, 2011

You know it's football season at the McCraken House when...they are watching TV in football helmets!! lol
Sunday ~ 206/365
Sunday July 24, 2011
Colin at running camp...it's HOT out there...blah...and I'm just sitting!!
Monday July 25, 2011
This has become one of Ryan's new fav meals!
Tuesday July 26, 2011
Monday July 25, 2011
Tuesday July 26, 2011
Tuesday was my last day working at Tutor Time...I only worked half day and after I was done I met Crystal for lunch at Wendy's (a fav of mine!). We sat at the restaurant for 3 hours catching up!
Wednesday July 27, 2011
Colin had his 6 month appointment with his neurologist this morning...it went better than expected! Dr. B said Colin is actually weening himself off of his meds naturally because of his growth & weight gain...and since he has been seizure free for 6 months, there was no changes in his dosage...another 6 months seizure free and a clear EEG and we can possibly look into lower his dosage...GOD IS GOOD!
Thursday July 28, 2011
Brendan has really fallen back in love with his legos this summer...there are usually creations in every room of the house!
Friday July 29, 2011
Wednesday July 27, 2011
Thursday July 28, 2011
Friday July 29, 2011
Brendan and his all seeing eye!!!
Brendan in his new favorite store of ALL time...the new Lego store at our mall...so much fun!
Saturday July 30, 2011
Colin is such a funny kid...Saturday we had the WCHS football kickoff party for the 2011 football season! He found this costume at the coach's house that it was at and walked around for awhile sporting it!! lol
And here are some of the coaches' wives! These ladies are my life line during the season!