Last week, MiMi over at He & Me + 3 had her 1 year blogoversary! Everyone was sosososo excited about it, including me! She did a week long celebration with 5 days of giveaways from her fav things list! The catch...there was no catch; all you had to do was comment and follow. AND of course I do both...who wouldn't?! So anywho, on Saturday did the rest and the winners were chosen, posted and notified!
Yesterday in the mail, this is what I found...
That's right...FLIP FLOPS! I heart flip flops! I was fortunate enough to have won Monday's giveaway which was a pair of Old Navy Flip Flops! AND the best part about it was, I got to pick the color! How fun was that...I had such a hard time deciding! AND the second best that when I opened my package, I found not 1, BUT 2 pair of flops!!!
So thanks MiMi (and congratulations again on your 1 year!), you are AWESOME and I totally LOVE my flip flops! And since I live in AZ, you know I wear'em, like, EVERYDAY!!!
Have a great weekend...I know I will, I have new flip flops!!!
10 comments: got them! Aren't the wonderful! I love them. Your toes are so cute. Great pedi!
How fun! Congrats my friend! And I'm with Mimi, I love your toes!
Congrats on the win:)
I am so ready for flip flop weather!!!
Congrats on the WIN! They look great on you!
So aren't you thankful that your toes look great enough to be in the pic?? I mean, if I had won the flip flops you would get to see my narly, gross, I've been covered in boots CONGRATS to you!!! I love your piggies they look adorable!
LUCKY GIRL!! Congrats on your winning and I must say that your toes look marvelous!!
Beautiful pedicure, tis the season to show off the toenails, I can't believe it is almost here.
Congrats to you:)
I love flip flop to.
I'm so jealous :(
Oh well...
Good for you! They look GREAT on you, especially with those cute little toes of yours.
Gorgeous feet!
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