Yes...that's right, today is my BIRTHDAY! I am now on my downhill slide to 4-0! OH MY GOSH!! I am actually 36 today, but 40 is going be here before I know it! Since my birthday is on a Monday and BOTH boys have baseball games (same time, different fields) we celebrated this past weekend!
Our Saturday started out with baseball pictures for both boys and then home to change quick and head to football registration! That's right, we are not even done with one sport before the next sign up...lucky me (the foreshadow of what is to come!) We stopped for gas and this was my hubby playing around with my camera!
On our way home from football registration, we stopped here for lunch...YUMMY!
I had the chicken parmesan...and the best part is, I have lunch for today!
After stuffing ourselves, we came home and chilled out until late afternoon when my parents came over to help celebrate! I was able to open my presents before heading out to eat again, this time at Red Robin, another YUMMY!
Opening presents from my parents
They got me this really awesome cross made from nails that has a crown of thorns in the middle of it! I love it! I collect crosses and can't wait to find the perfect place to hang it up.Thanks Mom and Dad! (for the present, bday $$ and dinner!)
So after opening presents, we headed here for more eats! I had my usual...just-in-quesadilla with no tomatoes! They sang to me too!
Then we came home and went to bed and got up and went here for breakfast before church...can I get another YUMMY!! The boys and I had the waffle with fresh strawberries! Our friend Roger is the general manager, so this meal was on him for my birthday; Thanks Rog! 
After church, we got a car wash and stopped at Target to do some shopping and then headed here with friends for yet another meal! This was a SERIOUS YUMMY!! This was the first time was have ever eaten there and boy was I impressed! I had coconut shrimp and they sang to me too!
So on the day of my REAL birthday, all of the teachers in the district have a professional development day, which means there are no students, but lots of boring meetings! And then both boys have baseball games, same time, different fields! Such is does not stop just because I am turning 36!

After church, we got a car wash and stopped at Target to do some shopping and then headed here with friends for yet another meal! This was a SERIOUS YUMMY!! This was the first time was have ever eaten there and boy was I impressed! I had coconut shrimp and they sang to me too!

Happy birthday to you and my daughter, Melanie, too!! She is 9 today. I'll put a post up about her hopefully some time today. :-0
Enjoy your day and glad you had a fun-filled weekend.
Happy Birthday!!!! All those places look very yummy! The cross looks awesome too!
Gotta love a special day when you don't have to fix dinner. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a great day. That cross looks very neat!!
Good gracious! I think I gained 5 pounds reading your post. Holy eating out Batman! YUM though! Happy Birthday Dear Friend. Right now we are only a year apart. WEll, until July:)
Hope you liked my birthday presents I sent you!
Have a wonderful day & the blessedest year ever!
Can't wait to see ya!
Happy Birthday my sweet friend. I can't even admit how much older I am than you!! It looks like your birthday was just wonderful!
Blessings to you today!
Happy Birthday to you!! It sounds like you have already had a wonderful one~
Happy Birthday are so young yet and 40 is not
Very neat gift from your parents let me know where you put it...a nice reminder.
Wow you got to try every restaurant in town out over the lucky girl!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!!! even with boring meetings :)
Happy Birthday to you!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend of celebrating!
I Love Olive Garden, but we do not have one in Alaska so it's been years. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
Love your gift of the cross!
Happy Birthday, Stacey!!!!!!
We love the same foods. Your post made me hungry.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a fun weekend!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Stacey
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday my dear friend! Hope you have a great day! The weekend sounds like it was yummy!
I turn 35 later this year. I still feel 19. Where has the time gone?
Happy birthday friend!!! I LOVE the elephant bar! That is where we went for my b-day! :o) Have an awesome day!
Happy birthday, Stacey!!!! I will be joining you in the 40 club in a four months!!! LOL!!
I love all the restaurants you ate at, but I have not been to The Elephant Bar in YEARS!!
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!! =0)
Hope you have a fantastic day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :) At least there are no little ones today! I can't believe football season is around the corner. My brother starts spring training in May! One sport to another :)
Happy Birthday!! Just stopping over from Mimi's! It looks like you had a great {and yummy} birthday weekend! I hope today is great too!
Sounds like a great weekend. Came by to say Happy Birthday from Mimi's post...
What a wonderful day so far!!! I heart Red Robin! Love the cross! Happy Birthday!!! I left you a message on FB too! LOL! We need to find one more way to keep in touch! Enjoy the rest of your day! xoxo
Happy Birthday to you! I hope today is super special, and your boys have great games today!
Sounds like you had a great weekend!
Wow! I hope you had coupons on your birthday!!! LOL...Those places look YUMMY, I love RED ROBINS banana shake it is devine!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Happy Birthday Stacey!! We went to Red Robin on Saturday too, to celebrate Em's birthday we love that place! HOpe you have a fantastic birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!
I love Red Robin. :-)
Happy Birthday Stacey!! It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday celebration this weekend. This week is what I refer to as our "birthday week". 2 of my boys have birthdays this week. We will be eating lots of cake!
I hope your day is beautiful.
Happy Birthday! Over from Mimi's. And the Olive Garden is always on our place to be on our birthday's around here! Don't worry, it gets even better in the 40's!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Wishes for a great day!
What a fun birthday! And I can't figure out why I'm suddenly hungry :)
Happy Birthday!
Came over from Mimi's to wish you a Happy Birthday! What a way to celebrate. That cross is beautiful. May God bless you today.
Hey...feel like taking me out for my birthday? (he he) Y'all always go to the best places to celebrate. I LOVE Olive Garden too! UMMMM...Coconut Shrimp....I love Coconut Shrimp!
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