Sorry I have been MIA for the past 2 weeks...with school and football starting all at the same time I haven't had time to breath or a minute to myself! The boys and I are at school and football from morning til night and the same with here are 2 weeks of my life in photos!

A Picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
I hope you have as much fun seeing a peek into my week as I am posting about it!
Sunday we cleaned out the garage...well not cleaned cleaned it out, but straightened it up! We found the boys' baby box and had fun looking through it and seeing how tiny they once were. Colin also decided to put one of his two blankies in the box for safe that was a BIG step!
Monday...the first day I could get back into my classroom. Crystal came with me and we were able to set it up and get it ready in 3 hours! I have to report back to school officially this Wednesday and school starts Monday August 9.
This week also marked the start to football season with practices EVERY night! Monday and Tuesday were conditioning and Wednesday they went helmets. With helmets you need mouth is Brendan getting his mouth guard ready with the help of Ryan.
Wednesday night...first night with helmets. I cannot get a good picture to save my life. We have changed practice fields this year and the lighting is horrible. I choose this picture because I like the movement...they are springing off of the line in sprints.
Thursday August 6 was 'Meet the Teacher Night' at school. I met most of my students and their families on this night and as each one of them left I gave them a special bag that had a 'First Day of Kindergarten Survival Kit' in it! I have 29 kindergarteners this year.
By the end of the week the team had broken up into groups and started practicing throwing and catching. Here is Brendan making a catch...way to go B!
Saturday I didn't get outta my PJs until we went to dinner! It was one long and exhausting week! We went to a fav pizza place. This is when we were waiting for our yumminess and watching the NFL honorees getting inducted to the Hall of Fame. And it was the only time all week that I had seen Ryan for more than half an hour!
Sunday we finished school supply shopping and getting ready for the big day...bags packed and by the front door ready to go!
Monday August 9...1st day of school
Brendan is in 5th grade
Colin is in 4th grade
First day of full pads. Both boys kept their same # from last year...Brendan is #80 and Colin is #60...they love this day...the sound of pads hitting & times I tell ya!
Now that football season and school are in full swing this is what my foyer looks like every night...back lots & lots of dirt!
Colin trying to get past the defender. Both boys are stronger and faster this year. It has been fun to see how much they have improved.
So glad this week is finally over...although the planning has just begun!
To renew my AZ teaching certificate I have to take AZ History and Constitution...and the only way I am able to take this course is online...I HATE online courses...half way through...the end cannot come fast enough!! BLAH! :P
This is what Sara says on her blog about Project 365...
"I am attempting to take one photograph each day of this next year. My hope is to be able to slow down and see the small things, become a better photographer and to be reminded of the many blessings God sends my way! "
Well said Sara...thanks for letting me tag along!
Join in with
Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!