Friday, February 11, 2011

On The Courts...

Saturday February 5, 2011
Game 4
Colin was up 1st
This game was bright and bright and early that we missed our wake up call and made it to the court with 5 minutes to spare...none the less...we made it and in uniform! (unlike the kid from the other team!)Colin doing a little defense...
...and a little offense

going up for 2
taking it down the court

Even though it was bright and early the Demons pulled out a


Next up...
Brendan & the Yellow Scorpions

Brendan taking it up under the basket for 2

taking it down the court

Pass it HERE...I'm OPEN!

Brendan shooting his free throws
This was one of the most exciting games of the season yet...the other team was older than the Scorpions and were tough. We held on strong and the score favored in our direction a few times but with less than a minute in the game the other team pulled ahead with a 3 pointer and sadly won the game

Yellow Scorpions 39 - Purple Team 42Even with the was a GREAT game!


Yellow Scorpions 3-1

Maroon Demon 2-2


Tiffany said...

Great game, guys! Have you ever thought of being a Sports could definitely do it. I feel the excitement just reading your posts:) I love watching my boys play sports!

Bridget said...

Great basketball pictures!!

drawingcloser said...

Ya know sometimes I wonder why the kids HAVE to have such early games in sports. They are kids for crying out loud, and it's Saturday. I wanna sleep in!

Glad you made it on time! Especially since Colin's team pulled off a win, they may not have done it without him :)

RaD said...

Sorry I didn't realize my husband was signed in when I posted that last comment, but it was me!

He & Me + 3 said...

I am liking basketball too. They are way more exciting than baseball...IMHO. Just sayin. Nice texting with you yesterday during the games. :) hopefully we can catch up this week by phone. Grr. always something. Love ya.