A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Sunday April 17, 2011
We spend the day with my good friend Grace and her family. She was here visiting her in-laws for spring break so we hung out, chatted it up while the boys played, headed to the pool for some splashin' around and then ate. Even though we only see each other once a year...we pick up right where we left off.
This was my view of the boys swimming while at the pool...still a bit cold for me to get my tootsies wet!
Grace (with baby boy #3 due in August), David,Sean, Colin,Brendan & me
Monday April 18, 2011

Monday was the start of our spirit week. Today was superhero day...I was super girl, Bren was superman and Colin was batman.
Brendan had a game tonight, which they lost {insert sad face here} BUT he did hit a 2 run home run...it was so exciting!!! Here he is crossing home plate after running the bases!!
Tuesday April 19, 2011
Day 2 of spirit week....Decade Day...Colin & I decided to dress in 50s style! I borrowed a skirt from the drama department at Ryan's high school...I should have been born in the 40s so I grew up in the 50s...love everything about the era...clothes, music, dance...everything!
Wednesday April 20, 2011
Happy Birthday to ME!
Yes...lucky me...don't be jealous...I spent my birthday in 7 hours of professional development and then at the baseball field for almost 5 hours. All I wanted for my birthday was to see 2 wins and sadly I didn't get my wish! Oh well...
{That is Colin behind the plate btw!}
Thursday April 21, 2011

Day #3 of spirit week...Twin Day
Here is Brendan with his friend Mitchell as twins!
Friday April 22, 2011

Day #4 of spirit day = Nerd/Geek Day AND field day for grades 4-8. I was able to sneak out to the playground and snap a few pics of the boys having fun! No pics of us dressed up...but we were sure a silly sight!

This is the chick basket my kinders made on Friday afternoon. While they were at library the Easter Bunny came and filled them. So much fun hearing all of the gasps...oohhss and aahhhsss as they came back into the room!
Saturday~114/365Saturday April 23, 2011
Lots and lots and lots of pictures today!

Baseball practice and errand running took up most of the morning, but the after showers the Easter egg dying commenced!

After all of the dying fun...it was time to get ready for PROM!
Every year Ryan and I chaperone the Jr/Sr prom for the high school where he teaches. We always double date with another football coach and his wife. We have such a great time!

I got to wear my {semi} strappy dress!! (as strappy as it's gonna get for me!!)
This year's prom theme was
Red Carpet Affair
...so much fun...as if they were walking the red carpet in Hollywood...
Dawn & I
Ryan & I after prom on our way home
I must say that this was the best proms we have been too...the kids were all well behaved, the dresses very pretty and classy and they danced all night long!
Join in with
Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!