Well, here it is Monday already and time to bare my soul for all those who are sweet enough to read and sympathize (or just to laugh!)! The cheapest therapy around...here it goes!
**It was not me who did not post at all last week. I am not a self-proclaimed bloggaholic and I have no self control, so it could not have been me that didn't post except to say that I hadn't fallen off the face of the Earth!
**It was not me who drove to the wrong school for Brendan's basketball game on Saturday. I can read maps and abbreviations. I did not drive to a school 5 miles away to find out that his game was at our neighborhood school. I did not make him so late that he missed the first 10 minutes of his game. I am a much better mom than that!
**It was not me who volunteered to chair the Valentine's Day dance at my school. I am not a sucker. I did not get stuck doing EVERYTHING because the PTSA president is lazy. I can better organize my time than that and I was not at school from 8am-9pm on Friday because of said dance. I was not exhausted and I did not fall into bed as soon as I got home.
**I did not throw a temper tantrum in front of my students this week because they would not stop talking. I did not threaten to cry if they did not stop talking and I certainly did not stomp my feet and throw my hands into the air. They did not look at me as though I had gone crazy. I am a much better teacher than that!
**I did not stay in bed all day last Sunday because I was sick. I am a mom and mom's DO NOT get sick. I did not lose my voice and had to whisper all week long. My students did not take advantage of this and that is why I did not throw said temper tantrum!
Well, that is all I can remember, so that is all you get! Hope you had your laugh, that is what I am here for! For more 'Not Me!' Monday laughs, head on over to MckMamas.
And until next Monday, it wasn't me...I swear!
Sorry you had to do the dance all by yourself! Glad your feeling better:)
And you did not have a bad week Stacey did you????...lol
I hope you have a better week. I am going to chaperone the 8th grade activity/dance night and is Adrienne mad.....I don't care she went to New York alone for hockey she can let me go to a dance. One of the girls that used to attend Trinity is chaperoning too, her son will graduate with Adrienne.
Hope you are geeling better today. Your Kindergartners crack me up..talking! Have a great Monday :)
Oh, I would not have been so LOVEY about the dance on that one!!! I love the new design. I have not seen it for a while since you blog-cation this week!!! LOL
I missed you not posting last week!! Hope this week is going better than last week.
Oh Stacey,
I pray you are feeling better! Sounds like it was one of those weeks, my friend. :)...I'm lovin ya! Happy Monday!
Hey, we all need a good temper-tantrum every now and then! Stomp away!
Happy Monday. =0)
I most certainly never threw temper tantrums in front of my students either when i was a teacher! Oh no, not me!
Aww, I hope you're feeling better~ Thanks for the congrats, I don't know how I developed the self-control, but I'll take it! ( I say as I am digesting THREE slices of pizza that I had for supper!!) Have a great evening~
Oh my I can't believe you had to do the dance all by yourself! Hope you feel better and have a better week :)
I have never thrown a fit in front of my students either. Did yours work? Cause mine didn't...LOl
I have never thrown a temper tantrum before either. Nope, not me :o)
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