A Picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
I hope you have as much fun seeing a peek into my week as I am posting about it!
Family Fun Day...Colin and I spent the morning playing Mancala...he is WAY better at this game than me! After we headed to the grocery story where we shared a Strawberry Frap from Starbucks and then later this day Brendan and I headed out for a Mother/Son date.
We had no school today for fall break...YAY! Girls day out with my mom, sister and friend Crystal. We started out at the outlet mall, then for lunch and finally ended the day with pedis and ice cream! I let the tech do whatever she wanted for my design and this is what I walked out with!
Tuesday after school I headed to the store for apples and pumpkins for the Kindergarten Family Fall Fun Night on Wednesday.
Kindergarten Family Fall Fun Night.
We had lots of fun learning stations set up focusing on math, science & literacy. We had a great turn out with lots of fun!
This was a very bad horrible no good day for me
no picture
is it may yet?!
I had been debating all week whether or not to go to Ryan's football game Friday night, which was over 2 hrs away. Well after my very bad horrible no good day on Thursday I decided that I was gonna take a hooky day on Friday and go to the game. And I am glad I did...Ryan's team played the best they have played all season and beat the Bulldogs 42-6! It was awesome!
Saturday night was our Pop Warner Association's Cheer Jamboree and Award Ceremony. The first part of the night was dedicated to Cheer. All of the squads danced & preformed. The 2nd part of the night was an awards ceremony for academic performance. Based on grades from last year, if players or cheerleaders had at least a 92% or higher GPA they received an Academic Medal. Here is Brendan and teammate Henry, 2 Cobras who were honored for their academic excellence. Great Job boys! (Colin would have been honored too, but he was not old enough!)
This is what Sara says on her blog about Project 365...
"I am attempting to take one photograph each day of this next year. My hope is to be able to slow down and see the small things, become a better photographer and to be reminded of the many blessings God sends my way! "
Well said Sara...thanks for letting me tag along!
Join in with Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!