A picture a day for 365 days...a year's worth of fun!
Today the boys got new baseball cleats for the season...Colin also needed new batting gloves and a new mitt...let the season begin!
First baseball practice of the season and even though the boys are on 2 different teams they have the same coach which means same practice times...thank goodness!
No picture today...This was the beginning of my parent/teacher conference week and I was to school very early and home very late...so no picture.
Sadly this was my dinner tonight, a late dinner at that; I had early morning conferences, after school conferences, baseball practice and then I drove a friend & his son home after practice since their car was in the shop.
Brendan turns 11 one week from today and in the mail he received his first out of state birthday present from his Gramma & PaPa...a new DS game!
Friday was a half day of school, last day before spring break, I had a dr. appointment for my knee AND we left for a spur of the moment road trip to Cali! You may notice a 3rd child in the car...we have acquired a "daughter". Her name is Kayla and she is 15 years old. She is now part of our family! (the daughter I have always wanted!)
Angleina and her new bestest friend Kayla...she kept telling her "don't be scared silly goose". I love love love this little girl!
Sunday we went bowling to celebrate Brendan's birthday...lots of fun had by all but I have to tell you that I won
BOTH games...
I rocked that alley!!
Monday we went to the beach in Malibu...it was
COLD, but that didn't stop the boys from playing in the water! Ryan hung out, Kayla layed out and I took a much needed run on the beach. Even with the breeze it was still a fun time!
Spent the entire day in the car coming back home...no picture...I think this is 2 Tuesdays in a row with no picture...that's not good...oh well...there is always next Tuesday!
Baseball practice...they got their uniforms. Brendan is a Cardinal and Colin is a Cub!
St. Patrick's Day and Brendan turns 11...
OH MY GOODNESS! I decorated the house with green streamers & balloons
(his fav color), made him green pancakes for breakfast, and his requested dinner of noodles & breadsticks with chocolate birthday cake and cookies & cream ice cream for dessert. Tiff came to help us celebrate and brought him a fun new baseball DS game!
Friday each McCraken was able to ask one friend to come and play and spend the night. Brendan wanted to go ice skating and since it was his birthday (and I had free open skate coupons) we went skating...even me! They had lots of fun! After skating we came home and everyone was able to make their own pizza...after dinner it was a night filled with video games, laughter, TV and Bay Blades as well as more cake and ice cream!
Saturday brings us to opening ceremonies of Cal Ripken Little League Baseball. Each year all of the players and coaches get to walk the field before one of the spring training baseball games. This is the 6th year the boys have participated in the fun day and after they walk the field we get to stay and watch the game...today the Rangers beat the Mariners! Monday night is their first game; Colin plays at 5:30pm and Brendan at 7:30pm...thankfully at the same field!

Join in with
Sara...It's not to late to join the fun!

No opening day for us, we were rained out! I have a cub this year too (my daughter)! Last year it was my son and the Indians and this year my daughter and the Cubs. Shall we decide which team we want for next year now? :)
Your road trip looks like fun!
What happened to your newly aquired daughter? She didn't make the cut in the rest of the pictures. :)
the beach pic of your family is beautiful! yeah for baseball starting :) spring fun!
such a great 2 weeks!!!
ok, did I miss something..a new daughter? are you fostering?
and again this year I will be living vicariously through you at the baseball fields!!! :)
great pictures of your boys. it's funny that you have one picture of them swimming in the ocean and another of them ice skating, talk about extremes in sport temperatures
The last two weeks look like a lot of fun was had what with birthdays, baseball and road trips:). I really like the pic of the baseball gloves on Monday-kept going back to it. It's like they're just waiting for all the kids to come back. And the smiles on the boys' faces show how much they enjoy it.
YAY for baseball season. Love these pics. The one on the beach makes me long to hurry our summer vacation up...
Busy busy...but such fun pictures. Kayla is beautiful. With that blonde hair she fits right in. Love the baseball pictures and the fruit loops. That is my dinner way too often. Like every Sunday night :)
You are getting so nice and tan. You look great.
Miss you all.
Love the boys watching the baseball! Cool shot!
A mini vacation and a great baseball game, sounds like a good week!
Girl I don't know how you do it hopping from one sport to another like that without a break.
I'm jealous of your roadtrip. My van never left our town all week long.
Good luck with the last stretch of the school year. You're almost there!
Looks like you guys had a great couple of weeks. I'm so excited that baseball season is upon us - I've missed it!
Your boys looked adorable in their uniforms! And what fun to have some pink in your world!
I am so excitedfor baseball to start too. My son starts his junior yr of high school ball tomorrow. April 2nd is the first double-header. I have had a count down 6 weeks ago. He is the catcher - do we have the gear.
Your trip looked like fun too !
Well, I glad you had a good time in Cal. I hope you told your new daughter about her Aunt Judy, and can't wait to meet her. Welcome to the family Kayla.
Love Aunt Judy
Great week, loved all the baseball gloves all lined up!
Wonderful beach picture, sometime you just gotta have a bowl of cereal at the end of a long day!
Yes...let the baseball season begin! Warm spring nights underneath the lights.
Yay for you for rockin' the bowling alley..it's been awhile since I have been there done that. ;-)
Cali looked fun, even if the beach was cold it is still fun just to be there.
bowling and the beach...two of my favorite things to do. Looks like you guys had fun doing them too.
Great sports family. Loved all the equipment photos.
Gorgeous family photo. Your lovely new daughter fits right in. I favor the name Kayla!
Fun, fun birthday. A great year of elevenhood to Brendan!
BTW, you can look up FIRST robotics or Lego League teams in your area. Go to https://my.usfirst.org/myarea/index.lasso?page=searchform
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