Last week our church held it's
VBS (vacation bible school) for the summer. This is the first time in a few years that our church has actually held a
VBS. The last time they held one, over 5,000 kids came and it was insane! Since then they have had an overnight church camp about 2 hours away for kids going into 3rd grade and up. Brendan went last year (and had an
ABSOLUTE blast) and both boys were looking forward to attending this year, but with the economy the way that it is, our church decided it have an on-sight VBS this year instead. I was very relieved with their decision, as it is
not cheap for the overnight camp and I have it x2! Both boys were sad that they were unable to go away, I honestly think they forgot all about it on the first night of

Here are the boys standing outside our church

When you walked in the bright colors welcomed all with kites and balloons everywhere!
This summer, our
VBS was Kaleidoscope. They studied the teachings of Paul and their memory verse was
Matthew 5:14 
The stage and screen
The kids had class Monday thru Thursday 6:30-8:00pm with family fun from 8-9pm each night. The family fun included ginormous twister games, face painting, snow cones, cotton candy, cookie decorating, & ice cream sundae making, each on designated nights!
Friday was a Family Fun Service from 6:45-8:00pm in our worship center and then family fun in the courtyard afterwards where they had bounce houses, soft pretzels, cotton candy, snow cones, face painting, and lots of carnivals games.

The boys singing and dancing along, but that didn't last long! Before I knew it, they were outta their seats and up sitting right in front of the stage listening and participating! They were loving every minute of it!
(it was smokey because of the fog machine!)
So after the service, we headed outside for the family fun! Something else that they did all week was collect change for BGMC, which is Boys & Girls Ministry for Christ. This ministry hands out Bibles to kids who otherwise would not get one. So throughout the week, they collected almost 90 pounds of change...that's quite a load! And it was promised that if they collected over 50 lbs, then all of the groups leaders would get slimed! Well you know my boys were all over that!

And of course, Brendan & Colin were in the front row and were slimed as well...YUCK!
But I made them strip in the parking lot before getting into my car...they were NOT getting into my car with slime all over them! (which they were NOT happy about!)
I just love it that my boys love to learn about just warms my heart to see them screaming ...yes screaming... out their memory verse and singing and dancing along to worship songs with their whole heart!
They said they can't wait until next year, but for now, I will leave you with the verse that they have learned this past week...
You are here to be a light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. Matthew 5:14 (message)
I miss the days of VBS, they were great! Looks like they had fun, even being slimed! YUCK!
GROSS!! and FUN!!! Oh, to be that age again.. well, I think I'd skip the slime part though..LOL
How fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL about the slime!!!
We will be attending a couple of VBS's this summer yet....none with slime I
There is still Camp Snoopy and Planet Snoopy as well...tons of fun.
How fun! The kids just started the VBS at the Methodist Church we used to go to together. It runs though Thursday night. They had fun...even Stunt Man attended!
Looks like your VBS is quite a production. How cool!
Wow, y'all go to a HUGE church! We had a total of 89 students at our church's VBS and we thought we did GREAT! =0)
Looks like your boys had a blast. How fun for them!
Outstanding VBS! What an awesome time for learning about Jesus and sharing about Him with others.
There were 5000 kids at your last VBS? Your church must be humongous.
That would be way too overwhelming for me. I don't think my kids would like it either. They would like VBS just not 5000 kids.
Let me know how many were there this year. Just curious.
I love the slime on other people. That was great. Hmmm, an idea is coming to my mind for Awana this year.
How do you make slime? I know there's a recipe.
VBS is one of my fondest memories as a kid! My kids always loved it too! It sure looks like everyone had a great time! But Gross! about the slime! :)
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