It is now the time to get you caught up on our Michigan Vacation before it slips my mind!!! One of the days that we were visiting with the gang at He & Me + 3, we headed here...The Toledo Zoo. The boys and I have been not been here in forever and were excited to go see the animals! You see, visiting the zoo in the Arizona summer is just not doable...just too hot! So we took advantage of the nice weather and headed to the zoo with our friends!
Waiting to ride the merry go round

This summer, the zoo opened up their newest attraction, Nature's Neighborhood, which included a stream where kids could learn about and make dams and how they work. Other things that were in this part of the zoo included a step into the forest where we learned about ants, bees, spiders, birds, and forest animals. They also had a spot to build forts and sand castles. They kids probably could have spent the entire day here!

Brendan posing with the dam all the kids worked to make....and it was great!
Time to see the monkeys
This particular monkey kept coming over to the glass and Colin couldn't get enough of him!
Me & My Monkeys!!! favorite!

I know we saw animals, but for some reason it feels as though we were there for awhile but didn't see enough of them! Oh well,the kids had a good time, minus a few melt downs (mostly from mine!) that included playing, eating and all around fun!
Thanks MiMi for taking us to the zoo!
We did have some fun! The kids did fine...just the ride home was a little loud. LOL
Looks like y'all had a FABULOUS time! Loved all the pictures, but that giraffe one really was ADORABLE! =0)
Have a great Monday!
So we're the SAME EXACT AGE, huh? =0)
Yep, I have a lot of gray hairs, but when I have my hair blonder (like now), they don't show up as much. {{giggle}}
And boy do I have the stretch marks. YIKES!
Looks like you had fun at the zoo.
What a great pictures of your families!!! They're all so cute together! I'm sure you all had a blast w/ the time spent together!
Looks like a great day in the zoo:)
Wow! You all are having a awesome summer! How fun!
Wow that looks like it was a blast. We try not to go to the zoo here in the summer because it is just so hot in Houston that the animals dont come out. We go in the cooler months when they are out moving around.
I bet you do have a blast trying to figure that kind of stuff out. As you know Taylor just finished Kind and i love it when i have her write a story about something and i have to figure out what all of the words are. Well not all of them, but some of them. IT is funny and cute. It is so funny when she does things accidental like spell 6 sex. Ok so I made that one up, but you get the idea.
Have a great week Stacey!
Love and Prayers,
That zoo looks like it was a lot of fun!
We don't go to the too much in the summer it's too hot here too.
The pictures of your kids and Mimi's are so good! Wow! Two of my blogging friends sharing their real lives. It is so cool seeing both of your kids together in one picture.
It looks like you had a great time at the Zoo. The animal pictures are great too.
It is all about the fun! huh?
We love the zoo! Especially at Christmas time with all the lights! looked so fun! Glad you had a wonderful visit!
You had a great vacation with Mimi and gang. That is so fun. I miss my best buddy. Her kids are the same age as mine, but they live a long way from us.
We've gotta go see them soon.
Hey, I think I've got a job (maybe two) as a substitute para-educator. They've scheduled me for orientations and I've been fingerprinted by one district.
Should be interesting. I'll post more when I've attended both orientations.
I found a job I like better today though. Helping kids with their reading.
The Lord knows what I should do.
I'm thankful to even be considered.
More later,
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