It all started in the summer of 2008, well actually it had been going on for about the last 4 years...heavy womanly times of the month...it was bad, I MEAN REALLY BAD. I would basically have my monthly for about 3-4 weeks at a time, with maybe a week or less without. The doctor had no concerns, so I didn't either. They did an ultra sound and found a tiny, very tiny, fibroid tumor. Nothing to worry about, they said, so I didn't...fast forward to July 2008...I went in for my fun yearly woman well check, ya'll know what I'm takin' 'bout! We talked about the problems once again and the fact that Ryan and I had been trying to get pregnant for the last 6 months with no success (you see I am what they once called a fertal mertal! With Brendan I just thought about being preggy and poof, I was, and then with Colin I was on the pill when I got preggy...hence why they are only 14 months apart!). So she gave me clomid to help me get pregnant and sent me on my way. A week later, I went to my regular doctor for my regular yearly physical. They stuck me, poked me, prodded me...and found that I was EXTREMELY anemic. They needed to find out why...well the answer was because I was losing so much blood every month due to my period. She sent me to a specialist and they found that fibroid tumor (the one they found a few years earlier), but not as small; it had been growing unbeknowst to my OB/GYN. Of the 3 kinds of uterine fibroid tumors, my was the rarest form, hanging like a cherry. So they scheduled me for a tubal and ablation, something that I wasn't happy about, but this was God's plan, not mine. It was an out patient procedure, with a week recovery at home. I was at the hospital nice and early and they took me back. Once inside, the doctor was dumb-founded when he found the fibroid tumor had grown to the size of a large orange in 6 weeks. Now think about it...your uterus is only the size of a pear, so to have a tumor the size of an orange, well it's not good. And the problem with my tumor was that is was hanging by a shaft from the uterine wall; most tumors embed themselves into the uterine wall and it is much easier to remove. So anyways...an emergency hysterectomy was preformed. They worst part about it was not knowing until I woke up what had happened. I was in the hospital for a week and was home on medical leave for the 8 weeks. So no more babies from me...but I am healthy, no more anemia, and I LOVE that I do not have a monthly period anymore! While home of medical leave, is when MiMi got me into blogging! I had been following her for about 6 months then and I loved reading about her daily doses of drama...and since I was so bored, I tried it and was hooked!
I can't believe it has been a year since I had my surgery. It is still numb and I have pain from time to time, but I am healthy and I am glad about that! God is good...all the time!
For more True Stroy Tuesdays, be sure and visit Rachel.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Stacey. So glad the doctors found it, even though they once said not to worry about it, and you are now well.
It's great that Mimi, who is a great blogger, got you into it almost a year ago. You have a wonderful blog that I enjoy reading.
I might have to try this "True Story Tuesday" some time. I'll just have to think of what I would want to talk about.
Blessings to you today!
What a story. You poor thing! I am glad that things are better for you now, but sorry that you are unable to have more children.
Happy Early Bloggiversary!
It was right after you got your surgery that I started following you. I can't believe it's been almost a year now :) I'm so thankful that we found each other and have connected in this crazy bloggy world :)
So scary - so glad you always see the positive in life - that always helps being a coaches wife!! :)
I am so glad that you are OK and that you started blogging. It is a great way for me to keep up with you and my Godson.
Miss you friend!
Wow what a story! I'm so glad you are okay, sounds a bit scary to me.
Glad you are blogging so I can keep up with what is happening and know I've made a new friend.
Oh Stacey! I knew most of that story but it was nice to rehash it!!!!
Wow, that's quite an experience you lived through! I'm glad you are better and are OK with the change in plans for you life without your permission.
Happy Anniversary!
I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad that you are okay.
And happy blogoversary (or however you spell it!).
WOW. Isn't it amazing to look back and see what God has brought us through?
And see the totally unpredictable ways that He brings people together?
If you hadn't had that downtime while recovering, so many of us in your comments section (your cheering section) would probably never have gotten to meet you.
I couldn't help but grieve a little with you - and I am most likely done after one baby. But God is good. Always good.
Happy blogoversary! So glad to have met you and glad you are here and healthy!
(and I think the picture is beautiful!)
WOW! What a difference a year makes, huh?! I also love your possitive attitude! You are indeed blessed and focusing on the possitive!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
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