So ya'll know that we are a HUGE football family, and last week I am sure I surprised some of you with my walk down memory lane with my soccer post! Yes, it's true, both boys played soccer BEFORE football! Well here we are and once again we are playing a sport, but gasp, it's not football...again! Are you surprised?!
This was December 2005 when our city had a street hockey league. Brendan was 5 and a half and this was his first and only season that he played! Don't get my wrong, he LOVED it, but this was the only time the city offered this! Needless to say, both boys were very sad the next winter when it was not on the schedule. And once again, Colin was too young to participate at that time.
At the 5-6 year old level, they could only wear street shoes, it wasn't until the next age level that they could try with roller blades, but sadly we would never see that day!!
You see, our boys have been playing sports, all different kinds of sports, since each of them were 5 years old. We live in a city where youth sports is very affordable and fun. They have teams for ages 5-15 and even adult! So the boys have played soccer, street hockey, basketball and baseball. The city even tried to start up tackle football, but with the expense and the Pop Warner league already in full swing, they were unable to do more than 1 season!
I love that my boys love to play sports and I love being able to watch & cheer them on!
For more strolls, be sure to visit Erica!
I bet street hockey was fun!!!
Those are great pictures of him, especially the goalie one:)
I remember those pictures. so cute. I love all that gear. That is one sport that STunt Man will never play...according to his AGENT. LOL
Great Pictures, I bet street hockey is fun. I know up here in Alaska Hockey is a huge sport.
Ya know you won my giveaway and I'm waiting for your address so I can send it off to you. :)
WOW...could you just look at your boys! They have done it all haven't they? Can't help but wonder what is next.
That looks like so much fun! We have our first year of ice hockey coming up soon. How great that your town offers so many sports, it's great to be active and involved.
I think it's awesome that your city offers sports at rates that families can afford! I know our town has a "city-wide YOUTH basketball league" and we have really enjoyed it over the years. =0)
Great photos and STREEY HOCKEY sounds awesome!
what a fun sport! It's been fun watching Alex and Emily try differnet sports too! Alex has tried soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball...he's not the competitive one, so we'll see where he lands with sports, he also enjoys golf, but hasn't had lessons ;) Emily wants to try baseball {softball} next year! too funny! Great pictures, I love seeing the kids when they're younger :)
Great pictures and sounds like lots of fun for you kids and for you!
That looks like so much fun! Have they ever played on roller skates? lol
Great pics!
That looks like fun and it's not football! And that is too cool that your city makes things sports affordable! We can't have our kids in too much at once because of cost!
Love that cute little smile behind that mask.
Great pictures! It looks like he had a lot of fun!
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