Are YOU a mom? Are YOU missing from the pictures? Most moms I know are, but here is a fun meme that brings us moms out from behind the camera and puts US in the spotlight! Carin over at
Forever in Blue Jeans is the hostess of this year long picture project; and just think, after a year, you will have at least 52 pictures with you in them! It can be scary, but com'on, give it a try! It's easy, all you have to do is hand over the camera and smile (or not, it is completely up to you!!). And the best part is, you can jump in and start whenever; for me this will be my 30th week!

This past Saturday Colin and I tried to go to Movie Night at the Stadium..yes, that's right TRIED! You see, twice a year our city holds a movie night in our local spring training baseball stadium showing the movie on the jumbo tron. It is usually a movie that we have seen or have on DVD, but to see it on the jumbo tron is so much fun! I have posted about it before as A Moment I'm Gonna Miss...but it's just so darn fun!
Well, back to this past Saturday night...Brendan decided he didn't want to go, they were showing Madagascar 2; Escape to Africa, so it was me and Colin! We loaded up a bag with popcorn and juice boxes, blankets and pillow, and went on our way! Well we were almost to the stadium when big fat raindrops started hitting my windshield! It slowed down and stopped long enough for us to get into the stadium with our blankets set up and 2 pictures taken
...and then...
...the down pour happened and sadly the movie night did not! We were both sad, but came home to eat our popcorn and hang out with Ryan and Brendan!
Now it's your turn to
join the fun...hand the camera over, say cheese, and smile!
That is too bad. I hate when the weather ruins plans. Bummer...but Colin handled it well. Next time. Cute pictures. Colin looks a little scared in the last one:) He is so cute.
Ahh, it's too bad it didn't work out. I'm sure you had fun at home when you joined the rest of the family. Maybe next time it will work out.
Oh what a bummer?! It does sound like it WOULD have been fun.
Hey, at least you got a picture, right? A woman after my own heart! =0)
BUMMER!! At least you got your pictures in. :o) Maybe another night will work out soon...hoping!
That's a shame it didn't work out. Sounds like a great time!!!!!
The two pictures you got are cute!
Bummers about the rain, but at least it happened on your way there! It sounds like you had a great family night overall!!
Yeah, lots of rain lately. Cute pictures though. Enjoy all the special moments.
Happy Fall!
That is a bummer. But I bet you still had a good time being together. Good thinking to get a picture too.
Josh still has a yucky cough but he has been through two rounds of antibiotics and I'm sure the coaches didn't want him relapsing again. I was honestly relieved they didn't put him in..he's not 100% and he hadn't beeen at practice so....he cheered and rallied the troops but you are right...the game was a sick at your stomach game!
Glad your guys won but sorry about the rained out movie.
Love ya bunches!
Sounds like it would be fun. Rain? I thought it only rained here when you didn't want it to...everyday!
Not this year. I can't remember the last time it rained. Normally I could say yesterday and right now, of course. Strange.
I actually have a tan on my face and arms from working recess 3 times a day in the sun & afternoon crossing guard.
Cute pix of you & Colin. I also enjoyed the street hockey pix.
Have anice Sunday,
Sorry it rained out the movie!
Bummer! I have always wanted to go to one of those!
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