So at the beginning of football season this kid weighed 99.5 lbs, but to play at the Mighty Mites level that the Cobras football team plays in, in our Pop Warner League, a player needs to weigh no more than 90.9 lbs at their official weigh in certification. You can read more about that here...
Well...for the last month he has been on his football diet, it's been hard, but he has done it. He gets weighed, along with the rest of the team, before each game. Their official weight is that from the first official weigh in which Colin was at 90.4lbs and you can read about that here...
Well before each game, they are weighed in, in their pads, which they get 7 lbs for and 1.5 lbs, each week, for growth...
So if you are keeping track, Colin could essentially weigh 101.9lbs in full pads BUT he has been ssssoooo good at maintaining his football diet and continuing to work out that he weighed in this past Saturday at...
94 lbs!!!!
Which means that he has lost even more weight and is much healthier!!!!
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That's great!!! He probably can't help but lose weight from it being so hot. He's probably sweating it off.
That's awesome. I know how important that is, we were there.
Great job, Colin. You are one determined boy, and that's a good trait to have.
Good for him! He wanted something and knew how to acheive it, that will take him far in life. Great post!
Wow, you SHOULD BE PROUD, Mom!!! That's awesome!
I know that football is a hard, scarey sport in a lot of ways, but it's also been REALLY good for Mathew. He's lost a lot of weight, gained a lot of muscle, and he's also gained confidence which he desperately needed.
I'm proud of Colin, too!!!!
We are so proud of Colin too! WAY TO GO!!!!
Colin Boy! I am so proud of you. THat is awesome! I wish I had something so pressing to diet for...oh I do my health. Sheesh. You are teaching me so much across the miles. Keep it up & have a great game this weekend.
Yeah Colin!!! That is really hard to do I tell you! I can't lose .2 if I tried for 2 weeks!!! Soo happy for him~
Great job kiddo. And mom and dad for helping him. Enjoy football!
I am telling you- I teared up (again) when I read this story. He has worked so hard! You have done a great job encouraging him and enabling him.
Glad the HTML tips that I listed yesterday were helpful. Hopefully they'll come in handy for ya soon!
Wow- he stuck to it and was rewarded. Way to go Colin!
That is so awesome! Great job Colin!
YAY!!! Awesome job, Colin!!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
That is so awesome - and you are right for being a proud mom. Just think of how healthy his body has become and that is with buiding muscle! So rare to find self-control like that in a kid... you've got yourself a keeper :)
Love it.."WEIGH to go!!"
Can you share what he's been doing??? LOL
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