WHY is it that kids get sick at the most inopportune time???????
Last week poor Brendan was the first one to come down with the yuckies!
And of course it was the WORST week for him to get sick with mine and Ryan's school schedules.
So this is how it went down....
Monday Night Bren is complaining that he is not feeling all that well; that he has a headache, sore throat, blah blah blah. Now mind you, I am not the kind of mom who coddles with one whines...gasp...I know, right!
I was all like... "You are fine...here have some medicine and go to bed."
3:00 am...Brendan is at my bedside crying that he dying...so I put my hand on his forehead and OUCH...burned myself. So I got the thermometer and...GASP...it was 104*.
Me: "Oh baby...I am so sorry I didn't believe you. Let's get you some medicine." I know BAD MOM!
So I feel my way to the linen closet to find that I HAVE NO CHILDREN'S MOTRIN....WHAT?!
3:30 am...so now I am on my way to Wal-Mart for children's motrin...don't be jealous!
3:45 am...drugging up my kid to put him back to bed, but he had other plans and decided we were up for the day. Lucky me...
And since I had parent/teacher conferences, Ryan was the lucky one to stay home with sickie on Tuesday. I stayed home on Wednesday and by Wednesday afternoon his fever had broken and he was starting to feel back to his norm...what ever that may be!!

And so then who decides to get sick on Wednesday night??...YEP...you guessed it...Colin!
And the sad thing about it...I mean the REALLY sad thing about it was that there was NO way that either Ryan or I could take Thursday off. Ryan had Benchmark Testing and I had 5 hours of parent/teacher conferences...so REALLY BAD MOM THAT I AM...I drugged him up and took him to school. Thankfully we only had a half day of school...so he made it through school and while I was having my conferences, he and his bro watched movies and played on my computer in my office...it's what he would have done at home anyways...RIGHT??!!
Com'on...help a mom feel better...tell me you would have done the same thing?!
OK...never mind...I accept the fact that sometimes I do not make the best decisions...but a girl can try.
And in the end...DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I REALLY HATE?....I hate that Ryan's testing and my conferences came before my sick child.
And sadly...I didn't even get a picture of sickie Colin since he had to go to school sick...poor kid!
That's my True Story and I'm sticking to it!! For more True Stories check out Rachel.