A few Sundays ago the boys and I ventured about an hour and a half north to the Out of Africa Wildlife Park. My best friend and roommate from college and her family was visiting Flagstaff from Michigan so we chose this as a meeting point for the day. This was the first time we had visited this park. It's like a zoo but more authentic to the safari animals original dwellings. Most of the animals had been rescued as well.
The boys ready for a fun day
Brendan, Colin & Julie's son Lucas

As we went into the park we were all handed carrot sticks that we could either feed to the giraffes or camels.
Here are the boys trying to convince the giraffe to come over for a snack

The giraffe above didn't come over but one of his friends did which totally made the boys' day!

That black thing is his tongue..very long!
Picture of the boys at the top of the park with the mountains in the background


All 3 of the boys were able to 'pet' a python. See the bulge by the tail...they had just fed him. Yea...there was NO way I was going in there...thanks but I will use my zoom lens!
(Colin is at the very top of the pic, Bren is in the green shirt & Lucas is in the hat and orange shirt)

They had a 'Tiger Splash' demonstration which was very cool. They were not trained so it was like watching them in their natural habitat (well as close as you could get to it) They were chasing toys and running and jumping in a pool too. The boys loved it and there was a lot of ooohhhing and aaaahhhing!

Our admission also took us on a tram ride through the park were we were up close and personal with a lot of the animals such as camels, giraffes, zebras...just to name a few.

One last photo of me and Julie in the parking lot before saying good bye...sadly we only see each other every other year...and that's if we are lucky!