I can't believe that I have posted over 100 times since I started this crazy addiction back in November! What, I only started in November and I am already up over 100! No, I am not addicted or anything! LOL! So in honor of my 101th post, I am going to list 101 things about me. I know, how boring for some of you, but I don't care! Suck it up and read them and learn something you may not know!
Because at the bottom of this post...
I may have something special for you...
so keep reading!!
Here is goes...
101 things about little ol' me...
1. I am 35 years old.
2. I have been married to my Prince Charming for 10+ years.
3. I have 2 awesome boys: Brendan (soon to be 9) & Colin (7)
4. I am a kindergarten teacher.
5. I would love to be a SAHM.
6. I love the color purple.
7. I am not a very good housekeeper. (shhh, don't tell!)
8. I don't like to cook. (my poor family!)
9. I love to bake!
10. I have lived in AZ for 4.5 years.
11. While living in AZ, we moved back to MI for 9 months.
12. I hate the smell & taste of peas! YUCK
13. I love chocolate, milk chocolate, not dark chocolate.
14. I love hot chocolate with whipped cream.
15. I graduated from UofM in 1998 with a BGS in Early Childhood Education.
16. Before moving to AZ, we had season tickets to U of M football.
17. I miss going to those games!
18. Since knowing Ryan, we have been to 10 college bowl games that UM has played in.
19. We do not like Rich Rodriguez (the new head coach of UM).
20. We loved when Lloyd Carr coached UM football!
21. I danced for over 20 years, but had to stop cuz my knees didn't want to dance anymore!
22. I have had the same hair style for over 15 years.
23. I have had my hair highlighted since I was a senior in high school.
24. I don't know that real color of my hair anymore!
25. I wear ponytails. A LOT!
26. I wear bows in my hair when I wear those ponytails!
27. I was 25 when I married Ryan.
28. I was 26 when I had Brendan.
29. I was 28 when I had Colin.
30. Brendan and Colin are only 14 months apart.
31. I was on the pill when I got pregnant with Colin.
32. I cried when I found out.
33. I can't IMAGINE my life without him!
34. I have scoliosis in my lower back and have a backache 24/7.
35. I love Target.
36. I love getting the mail from the mailbox.
37. I miss MiMi and her fam ssoo much (they still live in MI).
38. I like to swim.
39. I wish I read my Bible more.
40. I love the sound of my boys' laughter.
41. I love to watch Ryan coach his team.
42. I love to watch Brendan & Colin play whatever sport they are playing this season!
43. I love Mickey Mouse.
44. I love ladybugs more that Mickey Mouse!
45. I love ladybugs so much, that my kitchen is decorated with ladybugs & is red, black & white.
46. I have no patience when my kids whine.
47. I don't like it when they cry.
48. I wanted to have one more baby.
49. I loved being pregnant.
50. I had an emergency hysterectomy when I was 35 yrs old.
51. I used to cry about it every day. I don't anymore.
52. I want to adopt a baby girl some day.
53. I do not make my bed every day. Why?! I just mess it up every night!
54. I am so not computer savvy!
55. I love pizza.
56. I like to stay in my jammies and just hang out.
57. Friends is my all time favorite TV show.
58. I love to take pictures.
59. I love popcorn with lots and lots of butter.
60. I have a younger sister. Her name is Jennifer.
61. I love to blog.
62. I blog for my family even though they hardly ever comment.
63. I love all of my bloggy friends that I have made over the last few month. I am so blessed.
64. My all time favorite movie is Father of the Bride.
65. I only keep in contact with high school friends thru Christmas cards.
66. I have 2 close friends from college.
67. MiMi is my bestest friend & I met her at Gymboree when our oldest ones were in class.
68. I love Disney...everything Disney!
69. I went to Paris when i was in high school and had so much fun.
70. I never went on spring break when I was in school.
71. I have been to Canada, Mexico, and France.
72. I love to sit in my hot tub.
73. I love to be the hostess with the mostess!
74. I love to watch football with my fam!
75. I used to collect spoons from all my travels.
76. I love to watch reality TV.
77. I like to listen to country music, especially Taylor Swift.
78. Ryan & I dedicated both Brendan & Colin to our Lord when they were each 2 months old.
79. Their dedication days are very special to me.
80. I love roller coasters.
81. I love to travel.
82. I can't ski.
83. I took 7 years of French and now can hardly speak it!
84. I am a huge procrastinator.
85. I miss all my family back in Michigan with all my heart.
86. I love to fly.
87. I love to burn candles.
88. I love Roses, the flowers, but I can't stand the smell of Rose, the candle!
89. I usually put the boys to bed and watch TV in bed until I fall asleep.
90. I love anything Reese's.
91. I love Diet Coke.
92. I am sad that Brendan & Colin don't see their grandparents more often.
93. I love to bowl on the Wii!
94. I kill anything I try to grow!
95. I love to scrapbook, but haven't since I moved to AZ.
96. I love our pool!
97. I love egg salad sandwiches.
98. I love Paradise Bakery especially the yummy baked treats!
99. I love to snuggle with my 2 boys.
100. I love to read!
101. I am a daughter, wife, sister, mother, aunt, niece, teacher, colleague, friend, blogger, scrapper, reader, writer, baker, chauffeur, coach, and the list goes on and on and on and...
Thanks for reading the 101 things about little ol' me!
Now for the surprise....I was graciously awarded a Pay It Forward from Keli at Dream.Imagine.Live a little while back, and I was waiting for this post to say THANKS!! Here is all the cool things that she sent me...
As soon as I opened the package, the Angel ornament went onto the tree, the socks went onto my feet, the planner went into my purse, the paper went into my pen drawer and the chap stick went onto my lips! Can you say YUMMY?! It is Aquafina Flavor Splash lip balm, wild berry flavor, and it is now my new, most favorite gloss to put onto my lips!
SO THANKS KELI for my awesome package!
So here is the OTHER great part of my 101th post...I know you have been waiting!! I am going to have a drawing and they way you get into my drawing is to leave a comment! That's all...leave a comment.
Anyone can leave a comment, even if you don't have a blog, just leave me your email. If you want 2 chances to win, post about my give away on your blog and link it back to me. Make sure you let me know so I can check it out and get you in twice.
Now for the prize of my give away...
It will either be a $10 gift card to...
the winner's choice!
I'm not sure if I could list 100 things about I agree with the bed making thing. Your just gonna mess it up!!!
I love learning more about people. Thanks for the fun facts!!
I can't believe you came up with 100 things!! AND they are good!! Congrats on your 100th post!! Great job!! Looking forward to more!
Was it hard to come up with it all?? It all flowed so nicely!!!!
And oh..and giveaway..AWESOME!! I totally forgot about doing a giveaway at my 100th, and my 200th was right at Christmas time, so I will do it at my 250th!! LOLOLOL..I'm not addicted either!
I'm thankful for your friendship too!! It's awesome how this blogland connects so many of us together just by one click!
I love the list! I especially love number 37 & 67. Why did you not give me a link? You stink! Seriously, I am kidding. But next time don't forget. Count me in for the GC. Rick Ramsey put me on a budget & I could really use some a pumpkin loaf from Starbucks! I will post about it on my blog in very small letters. Be on the lookout for it.
Love Ya!
I loved reading all about you and that should make me eligible to win automatically....right? right? lol
Happy 100th!! I love ya girlie!!
I really enjoyed reading about you. What a cute idea.
bI found that we have quite a few things in common. I too have scoliosis and had to have surgery for it about 17 years ago. Also the love of Diet Coke and FRIENDS to taking pictures and Target. There is lot's we have in common.
What a great list! We have a lot in common. I HATE peas! And I am a terrible procrastinator! Oh well, I am glad I have friends who love me!
Target & Starbucks...2 of my favorite places! I would love to win. Thanks for sharing my friend!
I am posting about it on the look out for it:) Break out your glasses. LOL
Great list! There's so many of them, and they're all good! Good job! Congrats on your 101st post!
How fun!
(and I was thinking I couldn't think of 100 things to say about myself... I'd put me to sleep! great job!)
Found you through MiMi - isn't she a kick in the pants and a great encouragment?!
I'm ffffreezing right now so that Starbucks card is looking awful yummy to me!
I enjoyed this post so much. (and learned lots of new things about you)
As soon as I get back from church, I will link to you and let you know.
Stacey you and I have a lot in common, graduates from U of M, I am not the neatest housekeeper and I am to the point I could careless. I do not like to cook but I am learning, I procrastinate and I hate it but I do it. I feel about hockey like you about football. I like choc.. not dark, I have not scrapbooked in a while, I like my hottub but it is empty right now... I love to work because I don't do it that often and I like to get away from MOM, MOM, MOM, I need...... I want...... I don't think I could list 100 things about me but I enjoyed reading yours.
Hi Stacey,
I've been getting to know MiMi through blogging and i can understand why she is your bestest friend. She seems delightful. I have also recently moved from Michigan to ENGLAND so I miss my friends, too.
Your list is fabulous! Though this is my first time on your blog, I know quite a bit about you already. LOL
Come and check my blog out sometime.
Stace- I learned a lot of things about you...7 years of are my next tour guide if I get over there!!! Also, You miss MiMi as much as I do and You like to snuggle with your boys and Maybe adopt a girl someday! Erik says that he wants to adopt a Russian girl who will be good at Tennis!!! LOL =)Please enter me (1) time as I am not linking up...cuz I am lazy!
just wanted to let you know that I linked to your give-away.
I am not sure I could come up with 100 things but I am going to try. THanks for the giveaway.
THose socks you won look so toasty and soft!!!
I am always impressed with the people who can do 100 things lists : ). That seems hard!
I would love to win so I could pay it forward also!
Congrats on your 100th post!
I wanna win! I'd actually never "met" you before tonight when I followed MiMi's link over from her blog.
I too am 35 years old! I also love pizza, am not a good housekeeper, don't make my bed cuz I'm just gonna mess it up later, and am totally addicted to reality TV. I have three boys and then finally a girl. =0)
Come on over and meet me sometime! I know 101 things about you alread. =0)
It was fun to read the 101 things about you, but I didn't see anything about your absolutely wonderful parents.
Love, You Know Who!!
hi, here's my comment and I love Target. Did you dis one of your absolutely wonderful parents? oh oh.
Cute blog you have.
Loved your NMM's today, then I read further down and I liked this too. I have a 100 things about me too on my blog. I am also addicted to this blogging thing now after only a week!! I have read a couple of others for quite some time and thought, I should do I did! Keep bloggin~
We live in MI and are HUGE U of M fans too!!!! After the 11 inches of snow we just got and the blizzard on the way....I wish I were in Arizona right now!!!
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