A few weeks ago my oldest son, Brendan, got mad at us.
I know!! We left him and his brother at a friend's,
their friend's, house just for a few hours so that Ryan and I could have a date night. We just wanted a few hours by ourselves to enjoy a movie and dinner. Not to much to ask...
right? Well that's what we thought, but Brendan had other thoughts! He was mad most of the 4 hours that we were gone.
That's right... only 4 HOURS! So when we picked him up, he still wasn't talking to us, so we told him if he was gonna pout he needed to go to bed! So he did!! After about 30 minutes or so of him being in bed, he 'bout scared me to death when he runs outta his room
FREAKING. OUT.! Well of course, my patience was very low at this point because of his behavior, but Ryan calms him down enough to find out that he, Brendan, thinks a bug flew in his ear.
What's that you say....a bug flew in your ear?! Well, after some muffled laughs, we finally convince him that there is indeed
NO bug in his ear. We get a flashlight, check his ear...
no bug! Check his room...
no bug! Check his bed...
no bug! He finally goes to bed,
reluctantly, but none the less goes to bed! As I do every night, I check on the boys on my way to bed; and this is how I found Brendan asleep for the night.....

Not bugs gettin' in there!!!
Good night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!
Gotta true story? Link up with
Rachel...cuz we would all love to read about it!!
That is too funny! Oh the drama. Him and Actress make such a great pair. I can totally see him freaking out. LOL
What a cute picture of him though!!
Oh bless his heart...that is so sweet!!!!! He'll teach you :)
Poor kid - he must have been pretty worried about those bugs!
As I always say, "God'll get ya"... no more pouting over mom & dad going on a date :)
Thanks for joining up with this funny story (and the great picture!)
Hahahahaha!!! Locked up tight!! Love the picture!!
That is so funny. Can't say that I blame him though.
Ha- that's hilarious!
My grandma once told me that earwigs crawl into your brain, through your ears, to eat and lay eggs (yeah, nice grandma, huh?)!
I wore a hat to bed for the rest of the week and experienced minor panic attacks anytime I saw an earwig for the next several years. I've grown out of it, but they still creep me out a little!
Night terrors can do that to a person. Glad he found a way to go to sleep that made him feel better!
Ahhhh, kids! They sure keep ya on your toes, huh? Hope y'all had a great date night despite him! =0)
Glad there was no bug!
Hope you're having a fabulous trip and enjoying seeing MiMi!!!
HA-HA-HA!!! Poor kid, it does freak you out when something feels like its in your ear--ewww. Glad you got a pic of that!
Funny - but only because there was no bug in his ear!
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