I didn't even know I had these pictures!! I was looking for something else, when I stumbled across these pictures! They were taken January 1, 2007.

What fun trips those were!!
The ball boys (my boys!) were so cute...am I allowed to call them cute when they are on the football field?, anywho...since they were ball boys once again this week, they got to wear bright orange vests to designate who they were!!! And since there were 4 boys and only 2 vests, they took turns through out the game! In the above picture, Bric (the head coach's son) and Brendan are wearing the vests and then for the second quarter they handed them over to Colin and another coach's son!
May God continue to bless the wonderful marriage you have!
Here's to the first 4o and to 40 more!
Can't wait to see you!
The week Colin was one of the captains! He was so excited and he even got to call it while in the air...BIG DEAL! The Cobras won the toss and choose to receive the ball in the first half!
There's my boys...Colin snapping the ball and Brendan to his left! I♥watching them on the field!
This was THE BEST PLAY OF THE GAME!! The Cobras were on defense and both boys were on the line...the ball was snapped and Colin ripped through the line of scrimmage, causing a fumble which the Cobras recovered! Colin is on the ground and Brendan is the one reaching down to scoop up the ball!
Cobras 12-Saber Cats 7
Ryan on the floor, building Legos with the boys!
I haven't seen these things in ages and I when heard this weird waterfall noise come from the living room, I had to come out and see what was going on! And this is what I found!! I love that Ryan gets down and still plays with the boys...I will miss it when they are too big to play with dad, although deep down in my heart, I hope that that never happens!
So for now, I will cherish it when I see this!!
For more Your Gonna Miss This Moments be sure to visit Pam!
The uniforms were clean, the sun was up and the smiles were on!
More tough guy pictures!
And the food was great too!! I love it when we have time to just be a family and enjoy the little things in life! With it being smack dab in the middle of football season, family time is hard to come by, although this past weekend we spent Saturday and Sunday night just hanging out watching TV, football naturally!!
Now it's your turn to join the fun...hand the camera over, say cheese, and smile!