Another True Story Tuesday...about my Colin Boy!
Back in November we noticed that Colin would 'zone' out as we called it; he would be in the middle of doing something and as quick as a wink, he would stop and stare as if in a trance and the only thing that brought him back was us calling his name or touching his shoulder. We weren't too worried about it at first, but then it started happening more often and instead of just being still during his 'zoning' out, he would walk away. There was one time when he actually started walking towards the street...scary right?
So I talked to his teacher, who I love by the way, and she said she would be on the look out for his 'zoning out'. She would report back to me at the end of the day as too how many she noticed through out the school day. It started as just a few, but grew in numbers and severity; she too noticed that he would stop mid-sentence and then stand and walk towards the door.
So we took him to his pediatrician, who took blood, which all testing for whatever they were testing for came back normal, and referred us to a neurologist at Children's Phoenix Hospital.
I was very fortunate to get him in the day after calling to set up the appointment. We both took last Thursday off of school and headed to CPH.

He was a little nervous and excited...for me....just nervous.

While in the waiting room, I had to fill out a
5 page questionnaire regarding my pregnancy, his birth, his life and all of our family medical history.

When the dr came in...he was so nice! I will call him Dr. B...he sat and talked with me regarding all of the answers I had given...very thorough...made me feel very good...

...and then he talked with Colin and did his exam on him....having him take off his socks & shoes and walking up and down the hallway all sorts of different ways...with his eyes open & closed.
He then brought him back into the room and did a bunch of reflex tests on him.
Dr. B was so friendly and down to earth, talking in terms that both Colin & I understood.
So after all of that, it was back to me and asking me what I thought was wrong with him...I said I didn't know and that is what brought us here.
He won't know anything for sure until an EEG is done, but his best professional guess is that Colin has...
...Childhood Absence Epilepsy...
...meaning that when he has a seizure in his brain, a non-convulsive kind, he goes 'absent' or 'zones' out. The treatment is medication and he should live a very normal, healthy life.
I will keep you updated on the results of his EEG...but until then thanks for listening...
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