Pam over at Your Gonna Miss This is the hostess of this weekly meme that helps you to remember and cherish the little things in life!
Football is a daily presence in my life...the boys playing tackle football...Ryan coaching varsity high school football...and me cheering on all of my boys from the stands...
So it's only natural that when it's the 'off season' that it's not really the off season!

And believe it or not...Ryan is one of the biggest kids I know!

So while Ryan can still handle it and the boys still want to have fun with dad...I will allow tackle football in my living room...just as long as the lamp doesn't get broken...cuz I know some day soon they are gonna be to old or to cool to play tackle football with their dad in our living room!
Very cool!!!!!!
Yes, I love those moments too with Agent and SM...priceless. Great pictures too. They all look like they are having so much fun.
It's all fun and games til someone loses an eye!! LOL! j/k
seriously..yes, all those fun times together will be gone before we know it. cherish each one!
You are a brave woman to let them play tackle in front of the TV!!! I banish my boys to the basement because I am afraid they will break something!
Love the new background!!
It looks like such great fun. Hey, if the lamp breaks then you can go to HomeGoods or some place like that and replace it. It's a good reason to go shopping, right?
Stacey, I love your new blog look. It's great!
Thank you for sharing!
great moment! i hate to say it but they might not outgrow any of the football! they will outgrow the living room but they will keep playing anyway until something does get broke!!!
So cute! And too funny with that little football, haha! It's fun being a 'kid'...I hope your boys allow your husband to have that much fun for a long time ;) ...and no broken lamps!
Good thing you have a big enough living room to handle these guys playing football in it.
I know a family who wrestled in their family room. Mom & sis had to quit when little brother got too good at it.
I'd be afraid that your guys won't quit playing in the living room. Imagine when they're all over 5' something and 185 plus pounds. Watch out lamp!
Take care,
aww, fun!! Its so crazy to me, Ive got 4 girls, lol! I love these pics, what a special time! xoxo LA
My guys wrestle in the house, and unfortunately there have been some casualties...usually something of mine that I liked...ugh! I fuss at them, but part of me likes it that they like to play like if only they would stop breaking stuff!
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