So most of you know that I am a kindergarten teacher. I have been teaching kindergarten at the school where I am at now for the past 3 years. I love teaching kindergarten. If I had to choose any job in the whole entire world, besides being a stay at home mom, I would choose to be a kindergarten teacher! Well, our first day of school was last Monday (Aug 10) and I was excited, nervous and anxious. You see on Friday August 7, we had Meet & Greet night with the teacher. That particular day I had 20 students in my class, so I was fortunate enough to meet 19 of my 20 students and families! Some of you may remember talking about that particular #19 student!!
Well here is my True Story Tuesday...
It actually starts back in March when my school hosted it's yearly Kindergarten Round-up. Some of you may be familiar with this event; it is actually just a night to register your incoming kindergartner. I was fortunate enough to have met #19 on this night! He left an impression, to say the least!! He came in sweet as can be with a smile that lit up the room, but as soon as he didn't get what he wanted, he started to throw a whiny temper tantrum and DEMAND that he get what he wanted. This behavior lasted the entire time his mom was registering him. She would come over and talk to him, but nothing she said mattered to this determined little #19! We actually over hear her say that she often locks herself in the closet at home a few times a day just to get away from him....are ya kiddin' me?!! As soon as they left, I quickly walked up to our office manager, who happens to be a good friend, and asked so nicely....please don't put him in my room...well maybe not those words, but you get the drift!!
So fast forward 4 and a half months later to the day when I receive my class list and I look and there in black & white is dreaded #19's name!! I let our this awful howling....NNNNNOOOOOO! But yes, yes it was true, #19 was in my class!! So back to Friday Meet the Teacher night...#19 and his dad were early, of course and strolled into my room about 4:20 pm. I was gracious and polite (or so I thought at the time!) and talked to them alone for about 5-7 minutes at least, until others started coming in! As any good teacher, I excused myself to welcome my other students. At this time #19 started running around my room at a very high rate of speed. I quietly asked him to use his walking feet and find a seat and after the 3rd time, he graciously obliged! Now mind you, I am still trying to talk to everyone else who is coming into my room, when #19 starts breaking the tips off of my brand new crayons and pencils. I am thinking...does this dad NOT see what his son is doing? So I try and distract him while continuing to talk to parents. I finally got him to settle down so I walk away and wouldn't you know it...he starts screaming at the top of his lungs. How do I ignore this? But I do...he is with his dad who, I am hoping, can control it. After an agonizing 3 minutes he finally takes him into the hallway where he proceeds to scream for about 7 more minutes and then he was gone...aaaahhhh...silence!
Monday Morning...1st day of school....NO #19...WHAT???? Did he move, leave, quit? Don't know, don't care! Had a great first day!
Tuesday Morning...he shows up at my door with mom, dad and sister. Now mind you, I am also welcoming 20 other students to their 2nd day of school! They (the parents) want my FULL attention and I am trying...really I tried! I smiled, I welcomed, I made him comfortable and we said good-bye! And guess what...#19 had a great day! He listened (for the most part, he is 5!), he followed directions, he got along. I was happy....VERY happy! School ends and I send him on his way with a smile on both of our faces! And I am thinking this might not be such a bad year after all!!!
Tuesday after school...I get a voice mail from #19's mom wanting me to call her; so I do. I was on the phone for over half an hour listening to her tell me that she doesn't like me, that she thinks I am too loud, too rude, too obnoxious...GASP... she thinks that I am not the teacher for her sweet little #19! She then tells me that she went to school to be a teacher and 'knows' what I am going through (yea...right!). I listen politely as I can without going off on her like a spider monkey on crack...which I really wanted to do. She then tells me how much she appreciates me and thanks me for being a teacher, but she still wants to have #19 moved from my room. He told her that 'I was yelly cuz the kids were bad' and that he was 'scared to come to school'. So I went to the principal and told her about my conversation and we agreed that she was very needy parent and it was her who had the problem and not #19. The best thing to do would be to move him because if he was too fail, heaven forbid, the mom would blame me! BUT the move wouldn't happen until Thursday which meant I had #19 for one more day.
Wednesday...GREAT day until 3:20 pm when #19 peed his pants. They called his mom and she blamed ME for him peeing his pants. WHAT?! She kept asking him..'who wouldn't let you go to the bathroom?' over and over and over again...seriously woman....
Thursday...#19 was moved to the room next door. The teacher in the room next door is a good friend of mine! He comes up to his new teacher that afternoon and says "I think you and Mrs. M (me) are still friends." She says 'Yes' and then he says "Yea...I don't like it that you are still friends with her so you need to stop!"...wonder where he got that from!!!

It actually starts back in March when my school hosted it's yearly Kindergarten Round-up. Some of you may be familiar with this event; it is actually just a night to register your incoming kindergartner. I was fortunate enough to have met #19 on this night! He left an impression, to say the least!! He came in sweet as can be with a smile that lit up the room, but as soon as he didn't get what he wanted, he started to throw a whiny temper tantrum and DEMAND that he get what he wanted. This behavior lasted the entire time his mom was registering him. She would come over and talk to him, but nothing she said mattered to this determined little #19! We actually over hear her say that she often locks herself in the closet at home a few times a day just to get away from him....are ya kiddin' me?!! As soon as they left, I quickly walked up to our office manager, who happens to be a good friend, and asked so nicely....please don't put him in my room...well maybe not those words, but you get the drift!!
So fast forward 4 and a half months later to the day when I receive my class list and I look and there in black & white is dreaded #19's name!! I let our this awful howling....NNNNNOOOOOO! But yes, yes it was true, #19 was in my class!! So back to Friday Meet the Teacher night...#19 and his dad were early, of course and strolled into my room about 4:20 pm. I was gracious and polite (or so I thought at the time!) and talked to them alone for about 5-7 minutes at least, until others started coming in! As any good teacher, I excused myself to welcome my other students. At this time #19 started running around my room at a very high rate of speed. I quietly asked him to use his walking feet and find a seat and after the 3rd time, he graciously obliged! Now mind you, I am still trying to talk to everyone else who is coming into my room, when #19 starts breaking the tips off of my brand new crayons and pencils. I am thinking...does this dad NOT see what his son is doing? So I try and distract him while continuing to talk to parents. I finally got him to settle down so I walk away and wouldn't you know it...he starts screaming at the top of his lungs. How do I ignore this? But I do...he is with his dad who, I am hoping, can control it. After an agonizing 3 minutes he finally takes him into the hallway where he proceeds to scream for about 7 more minutes and then he was gone...aaaahhhh...silence!
Monday Morning...1st day of school....NO #19...WHAT???? Did he move, leave, quit? Don't know, don't care! Had a great first day!
Tuesday Morning...he shows up at my door with mom, dad and sister. Now mind you, I am also welcoming 20 other students to their 2nd day of school! They (the parents) want my FULL attention and I am trying...really I tried! I smiled, I welcomed, I made him comfortable and we said good-bye! And guess what...#19 had a great day! He listened (for the most part, he is 5!), he followed directions, he got along. I was happy....VERY happy! School ends and I send him on his way with a smile on both of our faces! And I am thinking this might not be such a bad year after all!!!
Tuesday after school...I get a voice mail from #19's mom wanting me to call her; so I do. I was on the phone for over half an hour listening to her tell me that she doesn't like me, that she thinks I am too loud, too rude, too obnoxious...GASP... she thinks that I am not the teacher for her sweet little #19! She then tells me that she went to school to be a teacher and 'knows' what I am going through (yea...right!). I listen politely as I can without going off on her like a spider monkey on crack...which I really wanted to do. She then tells me how much she appreciates me and thanks me for being a teacher, but she still wants to have #19 moved from my room. He told her that 'I was yelly cuz the kids were bad' and that he was 'scared to come to school'. So I went to the principal and told her about my conversation and we agreed that she was very needy parent and it was her who had the problem and not #19. The best thing to do would be to move him because if he was too fail, heaven forbid, the mom would blame me! BUT the move wouldn't happen until Thursday which meant I had #19 for one more day.
Wednesday...GREAT day until 3:20 pm when #19 peed his pants. They called his mom and she blamed ME for him peeing his pants. WHAT?! She kept asking him..'who wouldn't let you go to the bathroom?' over and over and over again...seriously woman....
Thursday...#19 was moved to the room next door. The teacher in the room next door is a good friend of mine! He comes up to his new teacher that afternoon and says "I think you and Mrs. M (me) are still friends." She says 'Yes' and then he says "Yea...I don't like it that you are still friends with her so you need to stop!"...wonder where he got that from!!!
Oh well, better her than me!
Oh my gosh, Stacey!!!!!!!!!
I am speechless!!!!!!!
I hope you continue to update us! I'm sure you will get to hear all the "stories!!"
Oh my!! That is some mom! I'm sure she will find something "wrong" with the other teacher too:)
Seriously that woman has problems...I'm very proud of you for keeping your mouth shut but I soooo could not have done that!
Oh my! What a story! What a mom! Some people are never happy. Hope the little boy has a good school year anyway. You'll have to let us know how he does. And I am sure that you are a great teacher!
WOW! Is all I can say!
But I do admit to having locked myself away alone for a little while to escape my children. So, while I don't think that part is awful...some of the other stuff is crazy!
Oh yuck! I mean seriously, its bad enough some of the KIDS these days but when you don't have the parent's backing you 100%, your useless!
So not right. Sorry you had to go thruogh that Stacey!
For a true story, that is one terrible one. It makes me think my son's 1st day of kindergarten will be a breeze. Only a couple more weeks to go. The Kindergarteners here have a delayed start- starting one full week after the rest of the school (on Sept 7).
I have had some high maintenance parents in my days of teaching, but none that were just mean like that lady. I hope that your friend can provide the sweet and loving environment that her sweet #19 kid needs. LOL
So glad he got moved out the first week. My mom was a teacher for 25 years (she retired after last school year) and her last 2 years of teaching were horrendous. Kids were moved out of her class both years in the middle of the year. It was HORRIBLE!
Okay - first off... SPIDER MONKEY ON CRACK had me howling.
And that is one of my worst pet peeves!!! Parents who *create and encourage* poor behavior by not setting boundaries or disciplining. Then expect a teacher to turn out a perfect little smart and happy citizen who suddenly has learned to quit hitting, kicking, biting, spitting, and sassing back.
Umm yeah, I worked in Sunday School for a lotta years :)
I am so sorry for her response. And I feel sorry for your friend! There will always be an excuse for this kid - but I'm sure the mom doesn't realize she's not doing him any favors.
Hope you are really enjoying the rest of your class!
Thanks for sharing (even if my blood did boil for a bit! I was gonna join your spider monkey gang)
Oh, and she thinks it's NORMAL to lock herself in a closet to escape her child? LOL
Who's the parent? ;)
OMG! I cannot believe some parents. I am floored right now and really have nothing to say except that I sent my child to kindergarten this past Wednesday and I would be mortified and so disappointed in my child or myself if we behaved in this manner. I don't know how you do it and I don't think I would have handled myself quite as graceful if I had to deal with that mother. Kudos to you!
YIKES!! I used to teach and there are alot of THOSE moms out there. One time a mom called me all upset about her "very sweet, very innocent child" and I could tell that she was SITTING ON THE TOILET! And, then she FLUSHED it. All the while telling me exactly what she thought of me.
Good times.
Something tells me there will be more stories about #19 and his family. :0)
Mrs. Nurse Boy
Unbelievable! But I believe you. Bless your heart for putting up with that so calmly.
That is just mean! Pray for her. She needs it!
the sad thing is #19 will pay for his Moms stupidity....
And I'm with Rach loved the spider monkey on crack, comment... ROFL
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