Yes...YOU...I appreciate that you work for our city's wonderful parks and rec department. I appreciate that I can put both of my sons into 3 sports a year for a very low rate. And I appreciate the beautiful facilities that my boys are able play at....what I DON'T appreciate is YOU talking about ME after I ask for some ice for my child who has just been hit by a kid pitched baseball. That's friend heard you and of course came back and told me...when I come to the concession stand and nicely ask for an icepack for my ball hit child, I would really appreciate you smiling and asking if he is OK and then promptly getting me that ice pack so his arm doesn't start to swell and discolor. I don't appreciate you telling me sarcastically to "GEESH...CALM DOWN. He ONLY got hit in the arm by a baseball." WHAT...I'M SORRY...WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME???? He only got hit with a baseball??? Is that what YOU just said to ME about MY son??? Oh cuz I didn't quite hear you. Maybe when YOU have a son of your own and HE gets hit by a kid pitched baseball then YOU might feel like ME...and when the worker who you ask for ice from talks smack behind your back...YOU can go off on him like a spider monkey on crack. SO next time my kid gets hit by a ball and I ask for some ice (I mean IT is your job, isn't it?) please just smile, ask if he is OK and get the stupid ice pack.
Thank you so very much,
The Red-Faced Yelly Baseball Mom

**and Colin was indeed fine...but really just get the stupid ice pack!!**
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