Friday, July 30, 2010

Letter of Intent


Dear Brendan & Colin,
I am SO tired of hearing the 2 of you fight and argue and yell and tease and torment and punch and touch and scream at each other.

If the 2 of you cannot get along....I AM GONNA KICK YOU INTO NEXT WEEK... NO scratch that...I am gonna kick you into the week after next week. You see my boys, that is when school if you don't start behaving and getting along, you will be locked in your room until the first day of school. How fun will that be for what's left of your summer vacation? HUH?!

Don't test me...I would love to have a week without hearing you at each other's throats all the time, oh and the quiet would be heaven-like ...aaahhhhh...I can almost hear it now...NOPE that's the 2 of YOU fighting...STOP ALREADY!

Last chance...KNOCK IT OFF OR ELSE!

Thanks for listening the FIRST TIME!!

Love, Mom

Have something to say? Write a letter & link up with Julie!


Jane Anne said...

These are words that every mom can relate to. Ah, I hope today, they find a way to play together - or leave each other alone!!

Stacy said...

I totally know what you are talking about!!!

Amy said...

Sounds like they need school to start as bad as you do! I hope they give you a break soon. Is it something in the air? Lots of letters are being written to children! LOL

Lisa said...

omgosh, i can so relate i get to where i cannot handle that noise....hang in there

Diana Ferguson said...

Yes, hang in there!!!

RaD said...

I can sooo relate! Why must they spend every waking moment bothering each other? It drives me crazy!

Foursons said...

This is so going on in my house too. Ugh. I told my boys that it was going to stop because I refuse to live in a home that is not my sanctuary. They aren't allowed to make me unhappy in my own home because of their behavior. So now, as soon as it starts I clamly remind them of that and send them to very boring separate rooms. It's been working so far.

Do you want me to link you up today?

Anonymous said...

Two weeks til school starts, good grief! Hope the boys get better at the not fighting thing.

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh...ditto over here. I can't stand the fighting. Drives me bazonkers.
Good luck with that!

Cathy said...

Can you send that letter to my girls! Oh and by the way they're 15 & 18. I hate to tell you, but it doesn't get any better when they're older either.

Loren said...

Oh my gosh ~ this brings back memories of my childhood :) and well, then I turned into my Mother and said these very words with my kids LOL

Tooo funny

Jenilee said...

fighting is not fun... hope they read the letter and listen! lol

Unknown said...

Oh man - we have totally got that, except in the toddler girlie version. Not fun. I am so sorry.

-stephanie- said...

OMG! I can substitute 2 girls for 2 boys and sign my name at the end and have the same exact post. School starts in 25 days here. Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

When my sister and I were younger we fought a bit. We are pretty close now, and I love having her as my sibling. You will miss them arguing someday. That is what my parents used to tell us.


jules said...

Why oh why do sibling have to fight so much? It's so hard on us mommys.

Together We Save said...

Oh my... school starts in 4 days here.... it is time!

homemom3 said...

man I just got done saying this to my older three kids. None of them are getting along anymore. I'm hoping it is because school is getting close, we were in hotels for a month and they just need their space. Either way I feel like I'm the one going to go nuts. love the way you wrote that up. :) Mine start school in two weeks as well, for me I don't want it but at the same time, because of "tudes" I can't wait.

More Than Words said...

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! I so know how you feel!

Marice said...

eheheh my sis and me were like that when we were kids. hope they'll hear you out soon. sorry for the late visit.