Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's becoming a habit...

I didn't see many seizures this time around, but we did have a bit of a scare when during the light test Colin started hallucinating and saw a person standing behind him. It frightened him quite a bit and took awhile to get him settled back down. But needless to say we did, and he was able to finish his test. Another tech and dr. came in to read his scans, but nobody would tell me anything. I guess I will find out on Thursday with Dr. B.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Diary of a Baseball Mom...
Each spring we kick off our season with an afternoon at the ballpark. The players and coaches get to parade around the field before the first pitch and then we are invited to stay for the 'real' game.

Both boys had their gloves hoping to catch a homeroom ball... no such luck this game!

After a few innings, we headed home...it is just WAY to hot to sit in the sun all afternoon. And even though we left before the end of the game...fun was had by all!

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Project 365

I hope you have as much fun seeing a peek into my week as I am posting about it!


Brendan bought this hat with his own money...his birthday money! I am not sure why his is so in love with the Dallas Cowboys...but that is HIS team!


Celebrating Ryan's birthday at one of our favorite pizza places!
The boys getting in a game before bed...payday is a favorite.
Friday Colin and I headed back to PCH for a follow up EEG. We have another appointment with Dr. B, his neurologist, on Thursday for the results.
Even though the boys have had a few baseball games already....Saturday was the official kick off to our city's baseball season. It's called Cal Ripken Day at the ballpark. They (all of the kids involved in little league) get to walk out on the warning track before a spring training game and since Ryan is one of the coaches, he got to go too!
This is what Sara says on her blog about Project 365...
"I am attempting to take one photograph each day of this next year. My hope is to be able to slow down and see the small things, become a better photographer and to be reminded of the many blessings God sends my way!"
Well said Sara...thanks for letting me tag along!
Join in with Sara...
It's not to late to join the fun!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hershey's Better Basket: Blog Hop!

Here are the rules:
*Copy and paste these rules to your blog post.
*Create a blog post giving a virtual Easter Basket to another blogger – you can give as many Virtual Baskets as you want.
*Link back to person who gave you an Easter Basket.
*Let each person you are giving a Virtual Easter Basket know you have given them a Basket.
*Leave your link at BetterBasket.info/BlogHop comment section. You can also find the official rules of this #betterbasket blog hop, and more information about Better Basket with Hershey’s there.
*Hershey’s is donating $10 per each blog participating to the Better Basket Blog Hop to Children’s Miracle Network (up to total of $5,000 by blog posts written by April 4th, 2010).
*Please note that only one blog post by each blog url will count towards the donation.
I am tagging everyone on this one because it is for such a great cause!
*If you would like to help a great cause...Please post this on your blog and follow the rules.*
I saw this over at Mimi's and had to participate...won't you?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Birthday Boy Brendan Turns 10!

Before the party he got this in the mail from his Gramma & Papa who live in MI...a table top hockey game...HE LOVES IT...as does Colin and Ryan!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Where's Mom?! 49/52 Photos of ME!

Here I am with my 10 YEAR OLD...MY 10 YEAR OLD...
Who gave him the OK to turn 10?? NOT ME!!
Now it's your turn to join the fun...hand the camera over, say cheese, and smile!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Happy Birthday To You...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Random Tuesday Thoughts...

**spring break has ended {tear} BUT i only have 43 days of school until summer vaca!
**the weather has been beautiful...painted toes and sandals here I come!

**i was able to spend the night with mimi and her family while i was back in michigan last week and i got to love on my godson...which made my heart so big!

**and since mimi and i shared one of these bad boys last week...i have been craving another! gimmie gimmie gimmie

**it was great to family that i don't see often enough...here are me & my sister with 2 of our cousins.