I was NOT me who sat on the pool step most of Sunday afternoon, ignoring my child, so that I could finish my book. I did not enjoy the fact that I was able to finish my book and that is was really good! Nope, not me!
It was NOT me who had not gone grocery shopping for way to long and had to take cereal to school for my lunch on Friday. I have plenty of food in the house at all times; doesn't everyone?! Nope, not me!
It was NOT me who bought the boys the cutest ever Mother's Day t-shirts from Old Navy and then forget to have them wear said shirts to church. I have a much better memory than that. Nope, not me!
It was NOT me who forgot to make a birthday cake for Colin. He did not have to make a wish with a candle placed in a cupcake. It did not melt my heart that he was OK with this and it didn't matter that it was only a cupcake. I do not have the best kid in the world! Nope, not me!
It was NOT me who was so excited that I received NOT 1 BUT 2 packages from the mailman this week! I do not heart the mailman! And I am not going to use this post to thank my senders...oh OK, I am! Thanks MiMi and Stunt Man for my Mother's Day present, I love it! And thanks Miti for my super cool reusable bag that I won at your B-Earth Day Giveaway! (It has already been used!) I do not love both of the items that I have received! Nope, not me!
It was NOT me who was almost in tears when I saw Stunt Man's vlogemotion at He & Me + 3. He is not the cutest thing in this blogland and I most certainly did NOT want to reach into my screen and squeeze him as hard as I could (and I mean that in a good and loving way! oh and I am the boy's Godmother, so I can feel this way about him!) Nope, not me!

It is NOT me who has had a count down of how many teaching days there are until summer vaca! I am a much better teacher than that and I strive to teach the best that I can on a daily basis. So it definitely is not me who has 9 days left of kindergarten learning on my white erase board at school. Nope, not me!
Well, I think that about covers it, or what I can remember anyways! So come on, tell me...what didn't you do this week? For more fun with Not Me! Monday, visit MckMama.
And until next Monday, it wasn't me...I swear!!
And until next Monday, it wasn't me...I swear!!
We are so not counting down the days until summer break;)
It was not me that forgot to put that same t-shirt on Stunt Man and it still has the tags on it in his drawer. Who does that? OMGosh. Thanks for the reminder.
You guys are too cute! The laundry in the dryer for over a week...oh my stars, don't you just hate when that happens! lol
And Stunt Man is a hunk hunk of cutie...that's for sure!
Love ya bunches!
it's okay, cereal is good anytime, but you may want to get some groceries lol~
Hey Stacey. I hope you had a great Mother's Day yesterday! I'm SO glad you did (NOT) like your B-Earth Day present!
Awwww, Stuntman is blog-hoppin'! How cool. =0)
Aren't presents in the mail just SO FUN???
Happy Belated Mother's Day!
Great Not Me's! I love the boys' shirts...they are SUPER cute!! I have never forgotten clothes in the dryer either...except this week when I couldn't find my only pair of pants that can wear to church!! I don't love to see the mailman coming either!! Have a great week!
It is not you who totally forgot to put the "R" in the word SHIRT on your post!!
I did not enjoy counting down the days either and will not start counting again tomorrow! LOVE the Mother's Day shirt that the boys have...happy Late Mother's Day!
Such a great post! Love all the things that you did NOT do =) and I love that reusable bag!! Great gifto!!!
hehehe very humorous post!!! We are far too similar ;)
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